Archive for March, 2019

Google Ads Keyword Planner Adds Features


Google Ads is adding a bunch of new features to their keyword planner tool.

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Bing Search Makes Improvements To Their Intelligent Answers, Text-To-Speech & Visual Search


Bing published some upgrades they made to Bing search the other day.

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How to Design an SEO Quiz for Your Prospective SEO Manager


Posted by KameronJenkins Use this guide to create an SEO skills test and hire the most qualified SEO Manager for your team! I was a new team lead. I knew the ins and outs of being a good SEO and a good content creator, but within my first month as a manager I faced a challenge I had never had to tackle before..

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Daily Search Forum Recap: March 27, 2019


Here is a recap of what happened in the search forums today…

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Google: Premier Partners Get No Special Treatment To Core Search


This may or may not be obvious but Google Partners have no special access to organic search in Google. They don’t get special treatment, they don’t simply rank better because they are a Google partner.

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Ahrefs Announces Plan for New Search Engine by @martinibuster


AHREFS announced plans for a new search engine that protects privacy and rewards content creators rather than exploit them. The post Ahrefs Announces Plan for New Search Engine by @martinibuster appeared first on Search Engine Journal .

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Apple extends Search Ads support to 46 more countries


Apps marketers also get the ability to group multiple regions into one campaign Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article.

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Ahrefs, SEO toolset provider, to build their own search engine to compete with Google


Can it be done? Can a new player compete with Google and Bing after many have tried and failed? Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article.

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Google Search Ranking Update On March 26th?


There is some early chatter of a possible Google search algorithm update touching down last night and this morning, March 26th and March 27th. It might be too early for some people to notice or it might just be a blip

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301 vs. 302 Redirects & SEO: The What, Why & How by @AdamHeitzman


Confused about whether to use a 301 or 302 redirect? Read on to learn the difference between the two

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