Archive for August, 2020

Video: Search veteran Kevin Lee on why digital PR is key for SEO


Some call it barnacle SEO and it differs from online reputation management.

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AdSense Reporting Changed: Only 3 Years of Data Available via @martinibuster


AdSense removed reporting data that is older than three years. This is how to download your data before it’s gone. The post AdSense Reporting Changed: Only 3 Years of Data Available via @martinibuster appeared first on Search Engine Journal .

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Instagram Carousels Are the Most Engaging Post Type [STUDY] via @MattGSouthern


A recent study finds posts on Instagram are likely to be more successful if they contain a carousel, versus a single photo or video. The post Instagram Carousels Are the Most Engaging Post Type [STUDY] via @MattGSouthern appeared first on Search Engine Journal .

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Title Tags SEO: When to Include Your Brand and/or Boilerplate


Posted by Cyrus-Shepard If your websites are like most, they include a fair amount of extra “stuff” in the title tags : things like your brand name or repeating boilerplate text that appears across multiple pages. Should you include these elements in your titles automatically

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Advertising for Cavemen: Exploring the Psychology of PPC Ad Copy via @brentcsutoras


Discover how centuries-old human psychology principles can be remixed for proven success with today’s paid search customers.

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The 4 Pillars of Enterprise SEO Success via @SEOGoddess


Mitigation, reporting, project management, and relationship building are all important to the success of enterprise SEO.

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Top 5 Challenges of Enterprise SEO via @SEOGoddess


Enterprise SEO poses many unique and large challenges. Learn all about five big challenges you will face when working in an enterprise environment.

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SEO Site Migrations & Food Trucks: The Longest SEO Mythbusting Video Yet


In the longest SEO mythbusting video yet by Google’s Martin Splitt, he invited Glenn Gabe to talk about site migrations. It is a wonderful topic and they covered a heck of a lot.

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15% Of Search Queries On Google Are New – No Change There


In 2007, 25% of all queries that searchers entered into the Google search box was never seen by Google before. That figure changed to 15% in 2013 and has remained at that figure according to Google even through today

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