The company is positioning itself as an “omnichannel” rather than “location” marketing platform. Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article
The company is positioning itself as an “omnichannel” rather than “location” marketing platform. Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article
Microsoft Advertising added a new feature for its ad platform for supporting multiple images for its search ads.
Learn how search engines crawl the web, how to identify whether crawl budget is relevant to your website, and how to optimize it. The post Crawl Budget: Everything You Need to Know for SEO via @nikovacr appeared first on Search Engine Journal .
Understanding the PPC auction process is crucial for a successful Google Ads campaign. Here are five must-learn ROI formulas every PPC marketer should know.
Providing value-add services can help you create more wins for clients and increase your customer lifetime value.
What do B2B marketers stand to gain by using Reddit?
Unlike the old Panda or Penguin updates, Google core updates get refreshed data regularly. Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article.
Google’s John Mueller said that within Google Search there is no way to limit the visibility of a URL in the search results by country. So if you do not want a specific URL to show in Google UK but you do want it to show in Google Ireland, there is really no good way to do that.
The same question was asked both on Twitter and on Reddit, asking do URLs in the image:loc tag also count towards the 50K XML sitemap limit? The answer is no, it does not count to the 50,000 URL limit in the XML Sitemap files
Posted by MiriamEllis Image credit: Danny Sternfeld In creating a Google My Business listing for your local business, making a data-based decision is one of the most important steps you’ll be taking. Just how influential are the categories you select? Our recent State of the Local SEO Industry 2020 survey found that, out of all factors, GMB elements (which include categories) have the greatest impact on local pack rankings