Archive for January, 2021

Google: Duplicate Content is Not a Negative Ranking Factor via @MattGSouthern


Google’s John Mueller clarifies a misconception about duplicate content, saying it’s not a negative search ranking factor. The post Google: Duplicate Content is Not a Negative Ranking Factor via @MattGSouthern appeared first on Search Engine Journal .

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Google: Embedded Videos Have Same SEO Value as Uploaded Content via @MattGSouthern


Google’s John Mueller says there’s no difference, when it comes to SEO, between embedded videos and videos natively uploaded to a website. The post Google: Embedded Videos Have Same SEO Value as Uploaded Content via @MattGSouthern appeared first on Search Engine Journal .

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Top Threats to WordPress Sites Identified in New Report via @MattGSouthern


WordPress sites are increasingly being infected with malware from pirated themes and plugins, as per a new report on WordPress security.

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Your Rankings Have Dropped – 10 Things to Do Now via @SEOBrock


Use this 10-step process to identify why your organic search rankings have dropped so you can resolve issues and get your SEO back on track.

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Google Offers Help On The Apple iOS 14 ATT Policy Changes


Google has published a document explaining what developers need to know about the upcoming App Tracking Transparency (ATT) policy changes.The changes will require developers to ask for permission when they use certain information from other companies’ apps and websites for advertising purposes, even if they already have user consent, Google said.

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Google Search Now Displays Sports Player Statistics


Google Search is now showing the statistics for individual sport player stats.

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Google Search Critic Ratings Scale Visualization


Here is another variation of product attribute sliders within Google Search. In the screen shot from Brian Freiesleben you will see a “critic ratings” box that shows a scale that says “lower than most” from Bat Digest.

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Daily Search Forum Recap: January 29, 2021


Here is a recap of what happened in the search forums today, through the eyes of the Search Engine Roundtable and other search forums on the web…

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Google Search Found 25 Billion Spammy Pages Each Day


Google released a video talking about search spam and what Google does to protect searches from “spam sites, phishing scams, and other bad actors” trying to get into Google search. One metric that stood out was that Google detected “25 billion spammy pages every day” in 2020.

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