Google Search still has not calmed its ranking shifts, volatility and movement.
Google Search still has not calmed its ranking shifts, volatility and movement.
Google has refreshed and updated its web search policies documentation.
Google now can show movies you recently viewed as an “activity card.” I am not sure if this is based on a movie you actually went to see in the theatres, watched online or just based on you clicking on movie listings within Google Search.
Google Search has this newish news or top stories carousel format that Google titled “States in the news.” It shows you news or top stories from news publishers related to the query by U.S. state.
Google Search has this news or top stories section titled “Backstory.” It comes up from political queries, maybe other news queries.
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Google refreshed their spam policy documentation to tighten the focus, add new details, and make it easier to understand The post Google Updates Their Spam Policy Documentation appeared first on Search Engine Journal .
Robert Scoble summed up Mullenweg’s decision to ban WP Engine: “Never seen a decision so universally hated in tech.” The post WordPress Bans Thousands Of WP Engine Customers appeared first on Search Engine Journal .
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Learn about why brand matters so much in 2024 and how educating users and search engines about your brand can increase traffic. The post Four Reasons You Can’t Ignore Branded SEO in 2025 appeared first on Search Engine Journal .