7 Lessons Learned About Business Optimization from Avinash Kaushik at #SESNY

Perhaps he is writing some last minute jokes before his keynote? There could not have been a better way to kick off #SESNY than a morning keynote from Avinash Kaushik ( @avinash ).  It didn’t matter if speakers had last minute slides to create or attendees stayed out until all hours, everyone made sure they were there. This is the second time I’ve seen Avinash and he does not disappoint.  He presents the perfect combination of tactical tips and humor that both entertains and educates the crowd.  I’d like to share with you our readers the 7 things that I learned this morning from Avinash.  I hope you find them as useful as I did.

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7 Lessons Learned About Business Optimization from Avinash Kaushik at #SESNY

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