B2B Marketing News: B2B Buyers Value Brand Reputation, Business Video Benchmark Report, State of Blogging Trend Study, & LinkedIn’s New Features

What Delays the B2B Buying Process? 30.2 percent of B2B buyers have said that a business’ reputation both online and offline is the top factor when it comes to selecting a specific B2B service, with 20.9 percent pointing to online ratings, 18.6 noting price and service comparisons, and 14 percent who said client testimonials, according to newly-released survey data. Additionally, 29.3 percent of B2B buyers said that price disagreement was their top reason for buying process delays, the survey also found

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B2B Marketing News: B2B Buyers Value Brand Reputation, Business Video Benchmark Report, State of Blogging Trend Study, & LinkedIn’s New Features

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