B2B Marketing News: Personalization’s Rising Value For Brands, Advertisers Seek More CMOs, & Instagram’s New Reels Features

B2B customer journeys that begin at review sites are significantly shorter B2B buying journeys average 192 days in length, dropping by 63 percent when a buyer’s first touch is with a review website, while the buying process is significantly longer than average when first-touch channels are social or paid media — three of several findings of interest to B2B marketers contained in newly-released report data. MarTech Why personalization is more important than ever for brands [Report] 62 percent of consumers have said brands that don’t deliver personalized experiences will lose their loyalty, a figure that’s up seven percent from rates in 2021, while some 63 percent said they are fine with brand personalization efforts as long as they use voluntarily-shared first-part data, according to recently-released survey data.

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B2B Marketing News: Personalization’s Rising Value For Brands, Advertisers Seek More CMOs, & Instagram’s New Reels Features

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