Elevate B2B Marketing News: Business Sector Tops Trust Barometer, Digital-First Changes CX, Top Brand Challenges, & Google’s AI Plans

2023 Edelman Trust Barometer: Business is only institution viewed as ethical, competent 62 percent of global respondents in Edelman’s annual Trust Barometer have said that they place the most trust in businesses, topping the 59 percent achieved by second-place category non-governmental organizations (NGOs), achieving top marks for both competency and ethical factors, according to data from the newly-published survey. PRWeek Gartner Survey: 84% Of Leaders Cite Customer Data & Analytics As ‘Very Or Extremely Important’ For Achieving Goals 84 percent of both B2B and B2C leaders have noted that they consider customer analytics and data as very or extremely important in reaching 2023 organizational goals, while 80 percent have highlighted the importance of increasing digital channel effectiveness — two of several findings of interest to B2B marketers contained in recently-released report data.

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Elevate B2B Marketing News: Business Sector Tops Trust Barometer, Digital-First Changes CX, Top Brand Challenges, & Google’s AI Plans

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