Online Marketing News: Ad Overload, Tips for Successful Brand Building, Mute Paid AdWords, Googles Knowledge Graph Gets Smarter

The Consequences of Digital Ad Bombardment This infographic from upstream  addresses the dangers over overloading customers with too many ads.  Highlights include: 66% of adults say they receive too many promotions and are exposed to too many adverts 0.1% is the click-through rate compared to 1996 which was 7% 66% of consumers say they are turned off by unwanted advertising on their mobile or smartphone This Week In Online Marketing News Don’t Like the AdWords Display Ads You’re Seeing? Google is making it possible for users to now dismiss or mute paid ads appearing in their browser

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Online Marketing News: Ad Overload, Tips for Successful Brand Building, Mute Paid AdWords, Googles Knowledge Graph Gets Smarter

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