I’ve been connected via the social web with Brent Payne for several years and we finally met in person at SES Hong Kong.
I’ve been connected via the social web with Brent Payne for several years and we finally met in person at SES Hong Kong.
Contextual advertising is targeted advertising that typically occurs on a banner or pop-up ad on a website.
I’ll be live blogging Day 2 of the Directional Media Strategies 2010 (#DMS2010) conference here, starting at about 8:30 AM, CST, September 15.
I’m at Twitter HQ in San Francisco eating cheese and guacamole in anticipation of the announcement.
Save up to 90% of your month-end reporting time with Aquisio SEARCH’s powerful reporting tools. Automate your report assembly, add your comments and insights, and schedule it to be automatically sent out to your clients. 3 simple steps to earn yourself some free time this month- that’s Acquisio’s gift to you! Click here to earn some *** Read the full post by clicking on the headline above ***
Google’s gained quite a reputation for surprising attendees at conferences with an “Oprah” moment of giving them free Android phones. But phones, that’s so last year
Here is a recap of what happened in the search forums today, through the eyes of the Search Engine Roundtable and other search forums on the web….
Below is what happened in search today, as reported on Search Engine Land and from other places across the web. From Search Engine Land: How To Make Paid Social Media Ads Effective And Engaging While advertising on social media makes sense for advertisers, the owners of ‘free’ sites like Twitter and Facebook still need to make money.
According to a Nielsen report released today, Bing has surpassed Yahoo to become the number 2 search engine in the U.S.
As of yesterday MentorWave Technologies announced on their site that Google has acquired their product, Quicksee, for $12 million. There were rumors of the acquisition over the weekend, but neither party would confirm or deny the transaction