Archive for October, 2010

Google’s Autocomplete Goes International


It has been over a year now since the localized suggestions have appeared in Google search results and the search powerhouse has been tweaking the feature so that it offers up all the best suggestions in your neck of the woods. Over the weekend Google rolled out a global version of Autocomplete (formally Google Suggest) to every country that already supported locally relevant search prediction feature.

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Google Gives SMBs A “Boost” With Automated AdWords Product


Several years ago Google was working on a radically simplified approach to AdWords called “Simple Ads.” It was supposed to totally automate AdWords creation and campaign management for small businesses. Google worked on that product for a long time and didn’t seem to be able to create a product it was satisfied with

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Was The Google German Testing Blog Hacked?


In 2008, Google launched the Google German Testing blog at

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The Importance of Focusing on Actionable Social Media Metrics


I think we can all agree that one of the biggest problems with social media is how much time it takes to implement a successful campaign. That time that you are spending strategizing, building personas, designing, implementing and analyzing is costing you and your company a ton of money – especially if you can’t justify if it is even doing anything. It really astonishes me how much people focus on quantitative metrics.

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Google Says "Don’t Be Afraid" Of Duplicate Content


One session we did not cover in our SES Chicago coverage was the duplicate content session and now I am regretting it. Susan Moskwa from Google presented and offered some advice and tips on the issue, from a Google’s perspective….

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Saturday Night Live: Yahoo & AOL Merger Like Two Seniors Dating At A Nursing Home


A couple weeks ago, there were some rumors that AOL may buy Yahoo. This past week’s Saturday Night Live’s news brief skit with John Mulaney started off talking about that news bit.

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Saturday Night Live: Yahoo & AOL Merger Like Two Seniors Dating At A Nursing Home


A couple weeks ago, there were some rumors that AOL may buy Yahoo. This past week’s Saturday Night Live’s news brief skit with John Mulaney started off talking about that news bit. John Mulaney said, and here is the transcript: First up in the world of technology

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Want a Tour of Google? Are You From The Marines?


Many people in this world would do a lot to get a personalized tour of Google. Especially those reading this site and those who use Google’s products each day. Like it or not, Google is still perceived by the general…

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Google Suggestions Get Localized For Countries Around The World, News Alerts Improved


The Google Blog announced a few new features for Google search this week. First, they confirmed the realtime counter we reported earlier last week.

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