Archive for November, 2010

Local Search Tips Whitepaper from Location3 Media


Location3 Media has shared with us their Local Search Tips whitepaper that covers big picture strategies and small hints to maximize local search campaigns. They are sharing heir hard-won knowledge with our clients, industry contacts and the media to help people get on board with the local search revolution. According to the Kelsey Group, 74 percent of internet users perform local searches

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Google Shopping Won’t Show 100 Results Per Page


If you go to Google Product Search and change your settings to turn off Google Instant and show 100 results per page, you will be out of luck. Similar to the settings bug on Google News, where you can’t set…

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Google Would Be Crazy To Spend $5B For Groupon


Google is sitting on more than $30 billion in cash so maybe $5 billion isn’t so much in that context. But it seems crazy (capital C) to me for Google to pay that kind of premium for the company — making it by far the largest acquisition in Google’s long history of acquisitions…

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SphinnCon: Israel SEO Conference Agenda Posted, Here Are The Details


Yesterday I announced that we posted the full agenda for the upcoming SphinnCon Israel SEO conference.

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PPC – Geographic Targeting


Adwords lets you geographically target specific locations. You can target a continent, a country, a province/state, a city, a certain part of a city, or even go as specific as a certain building! However, it’s important to keep in mind that Google determines your location by looking at your IP address.

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PPC – Geographic Targeting


Adwords lets you geographically target specific locations. You can target a continent, a country, a province/state, a city, a certain part of a city, or even go as specific as a certain building! However, it’s important to keep in mind that Google determines your location by looking at your IP address. That being said, sometimes your ISP will give you an IP from Quebec even though you’re from Guelph

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PPC – Geographic Targeting


Adwords lets you geographically target specific locations. You can target a continent, a country, a province/state, a city, a certain part of a city, or even go as specific as a certain building! However, it’s important to keep in mind that Google determines your location by looking at your IP address. That being said, sometimes your ISP will give you an IP from Quebec even though you’re from Guelph.

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Google Earth 6 Adds Street Views & Trees


Google announced they have updated Google Earth, introducing Google Earth 6. Google Earth version 6 brings street views and 3-D trees to the program. Google said: With Google Earth 6, you can explore the streets in 3D like never before…

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Google Earth 6 Adds Street Views & Trees


Google announced they have updated Google Earth, introducing Google Earth 6. Google Earth version 6 brings street views and 3-D trees to the program. Google said: With Google Earth 6, you can explore the streets in 3D like never before…

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Tips on Video: B2B Facebook, Social ROI & Repurposing Social Content


While traveling recently in New Zealand and a short stay in Sydney, Australia I shot a few videos offering social media marketing tips. Check them out below and you can also view many other tips videos and interviews we’ve done with search and social media marketing experts on the  TopRank Online Marketing YouTube Channel . Tips on Social Media ROI from Sydney Australia near the famous Opera House & Sydney Harbour Bridge.

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