Archive for January, 2011

6 Content Tips: How To Write When You Have Nothing To Write About


When I tell a client/friend/colleague they need to add X pages of interesting content to their site, I typically hear one of three answers: 3% of the time: “No problem, I’m on it.” 75% of the time: “But I don’t have anything to write about.” 22% of the time:… Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article.

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Microsoft adCenter Sandbox Issues Resolved?


There have been reports at the Microsoft Advertising Community with complaints from advertisers of adCenter who use the adCenter API. The specific complaints are around the Sandbox v7 Campaign Management Service

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Google Blacklists Some Piracy Terms in Instant, Autocomplete


Search terms like BitTorrent (and several other combinations of the word “torrent”), RapidShare, and Megaupload are among the new banned words in Google’s Instant results and Autocomplete , as Google begins its crackdown on terms closely associated with piracy . However, this filter doesn’t translate to Google’s regular search results pages. Click to read the rest of this post..

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Can You Confuse Google With Your Internal Anchor Text?


There is an interesting conversation going on about the use of your anchor text on your internal links at WebmasterWorld forums…

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Paid Links V Content Programs


It all about feeding the Beast! If there’s one topic that is as alive today as it was in year past, it’s paid links. Are paid links bad ?

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Google Testing Display Ads In GMail


Google appears to be testing display ads in Gmail. I have not spoken to anyone at the company but discovered the following image ad in my own Gmail account this morning: Image ads have made their way into Google paid search ads on and various other places on Google. But this was really..

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Bing’s Chief Scientist, Alek Kołcz, Joins Twitter


ReadWrite/Web reports Microsoft’s Principal Scientist of Bing has left to join the Twitter team. Alek Kołcz, formerly a Scientist at Microsoft Live Labs, a co-chair at CIKM and a System Architect at AOL is now at Twitter.

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How Social Media Changed Small Business Marketing


Davanti Digital Media, a full-service digital marketing agency specializing in social media solutions for businesses of all sizes, has just uploaded a new YouTube video entitled, ” Social Media For All: How Social Media Changed Small Business Marketing .” Click to read the rest of this post…

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Ways to Keep Your Customers Coming Back


When you look at your website analytics and see that your bounce rate is increasing day by day and also your number of new visitors reducing, what do you do, in the beginning you probably just think of it as a bad patch or a general trend, which will recover in due course, but when there is no signs of the bounce rating coming down and new visitors coming to your site, then you probably start to freak out and need to take action. As you’re now losing visitors and probably sales. Let’s look at why your visitors are not staying on your site or returning back.

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