Archive for January, 2011

Knowing When A Reconsideration Request Was Denied By Google


Google has become more transparent over the years but one thing that still plagues some webmasters is the reconsideration request process. A reconsideration request is a method of telling Google that you tried to fix any of the issues potentially preventing your site from ranking well in Google…

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Knowing When A Reconsideration Request Was Denied By Google


Google has become more transparent over the years but one thing that still plagues some webmasters is the reconsideration request process. A reconsideration request is a method of telling Google that you tried to fix any of the issues potentially preventing your site from ranking well in Google…

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An interesting essay on search neutrality


(Just as a reminder: while I am a Google employee, the following post is my personal opinion.) Recently I read a fascinating essay that I wanted to comment on. I found it via Ars Technica and it discusses “search neutrality” (PDF link, but I promise it’s worth it). It’s written by James Grimmelmann , an associate professor at New York Law School

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An interesting essay on search neutrality


(Just as a reminder: while I am a Google employee, the following post is my personal opinion.) Recently I read a fascinating essay that I wanted to comment on. I found it via Ars Technica and it discusses “search neutrality” (PDF link, but I promise it’s worth it). It’s written by James Grimmelmann , an associate professor at New York Law School.

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Limited Google Places Verifications Options For New Businesses


Mike Blumenthal reports Google is limiting some of the verification options for new businesses. If a business is “new to Google” then Google may require a physical post card be delivered to the new business for verification the slow way…

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Most Blocked, Trusted Websites of 2010: Facebook, YouTube, Google


When it comes to Google sites and Facebook, consumers, schools, and businesses seem to have a love/hate relationship with the web giants. Time spent on these sites, the content they offer, and privacy can be just as much a concern as the benefits of providing access to exceptional, worthwhile content.

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Pope Praises Social Networking, Gives Guide To Christian Use


In an age when you can go to church online, and no doubt teenagers tweet during Mass, Pope Benedictus XVI used this year’s World Communication Day address to extol the potential of social media and give guidance to Roman Catholics on how to use it in a Christian manner.

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Pope Praises Social Networking, Gives Guide To Christian Use


In an age when you can go to church online, and no doubt teenagers tweet during Mass, Pope Benedictus XVI used this year’s World Communication Day address to extol the potential of social media and give guidance to Roman Catholics on how to use it in a Christian manner. The pope told his followers – religious not social – “to communicate with integrity and honesty” and that “the truth of Christ is the full and authentic response to that human desire for relationship, communion and meaning which is reflected in the immense popularity of social networks”

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Google Lowercases AdWords Display URLs


As expected Google has started to roll out their new policy of requiring the domain portion of the display URLs in the AdWords ad to be lowercase. If you search at Google, all the domain names in the AdWords ads should appear lowercase…

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Recommendations for Blog Commenting as a Marketing Strategy


Posted by randfish Many of us in the web marketing space have a love/hate relationship with the practice of leveraging blog comments as a marketing strategy. On the one hand, it can bring valuable participation and content to our sites and provide an outlet for us to reach other communities and bloggers/comment-enabled communities. But, it’s also an endless source of spam and low quality contributions that teeter on the “publish-worthy” seesaw.

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