Archive for January, 2011

Special Events, Express Clinics, Theatre Presentations, and Training Workshops at SES London 2011


In addition to the opening keynote and three-days of conference sessions, SES London 2011 features a superabundance of special events , express clinics , theatre presentations , as well as SES , IDM , and OMI training workshops. If you tally everything up, there are nearly 100 sessions presented by the industries top insiders on a host of key areas. Click to read the rest of this post..

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Google Turns To Page: The Day Two Narrative


Google’s co-founders have long admired Apple CEO Steve Jobs, even though they now compete directly with his company. So I couldn’t help thinking that Jobs helped inspire yesterday’s announcement that Larry Page was taking over the helm at Google

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Google AdSense Alarms & Notifications


There are many webmasters and SEOs out there that have a high dependency on the income they make from Google AdSense ads. Whenever a single source of income is that important to you…

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5 Tips: Content Sharing Beyond Facebook


Alright, you’ve just come up with a brilliant and revolutionary idea that will forever change the face of your industry.

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A To Do List For Google’s New CEO Larry Page


Welcome back, Larry! When you were last CEO of Google in 2001, the company was a much loved scrappy underdog with a bright future.

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5 Reasons the Google Search Bias Study is, um, Biased


Increasingly, the quality of Google’s search results and business practices are being called into question. A new study co-authored by Benjamin Edelman and Benjamin Lockwood attempted to measure bias in the organic search results of Google and to a lesser extent Yahoo, Bing, AOL, and Ask. Click to read the rest of this post…

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Will Page Load Time Be More Of A Ranking Factor In 2011?


Speed matters a lot, according to Google. Recent reports in the forums indicate page speed might be increasing in importance as a ranking factor.

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Here’s What Changed On YouTube’s Home Page


YouTube announced they have made major changes to the YouTube home page. The new home page is available to everyone, just go to and you will see it. Since I produce weekly SEO videos and most of those views happen on YouTube..

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Google Readies Groupon Clone [Confirmed]


Google is about to launch a Groupon clone according to Mashable. Called “Google Offers,” the blog showed some promotional collateral that presents a very Groupon-like daily deal offering: As everyone reading this knows, Google and Groupon discussed a nearly $6 billion acquisition, which… Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article

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