Archive for January, 2011

Search & The 2011 Sundance Film Festival


The annual Sundance Film Festival is about to converge here in Utah January 20-30, 2011, with and YouTube as Leadership Sponsors. Bing is the official search engine of the 2011 Sundance Film Festival website, and YouTube has two special channels for the event, the main Sundance Film Fest..

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The Art of Writing Optimized Content


Search Engine Optimization requires the inclusion of popular (highly searched) or profitable (highly searched just before buying) words into headlines, copy, and other page elements. Note that I wrote “inclusion” and not “insertion…

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Fourth Annual Doodle 4 Google Contest Kicks Off


“What I’d like to do someday” is the theme of the fourth annual Doodle 4 Google.

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Reflecting On What I Have Learned As An InHouse SEM, Time To Move On


Back in 2001 when I started my professional career in online marketing, SEO was still pretty new. Paid search had literally just materialized in the form of (anyone remember penny bids?!)

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Google: Empty Pages Are Duplicate Content Issues


I am sure you have run across a web page that returns nothingness in the past. Yes, a page with no content, no navigation, just a blank white page. This may be the result of a server issue…

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Yandex Reports 43% Revenue Growth


Russia’s top search engine Yandex reported today that their year-over-year (YoY) revenue increased by 43 percent, reaching 12.5 billion rubles ($410 million). Click to read the rest of this post…

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Google’s Paul Cézanne Logo


Today is Paul Cézanne’s 172nd birthday and Google is remembering his work with a special Google logo. Paul Cézanne was a painter and artist born in 1839 and died in 1906. Here is a picture of the Google logo: Google tweeted this morning that the logo you see on the home page was first created…

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Google Website Optimizer: Using GWO to Boost PPC Conversions


If you’re running a PPC campaign but you’re not continually tinkering with the performance of your landing pages–also known as conversion rate optimization (CRO)–then you’re probably missing some major opportunities. Many online business owners and paid search marketers balk at CRO because they feel it’s: Too expensive Too labor-intensive Too confusing The truth is, conducting your own CRO experiments is relatively fast, simple and very effective thanks to Google Website Optimizer (GWO)

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5 Tools to Discover Hot Content on Facebook


It’s been quite some time since I shared some tools on researching trends and hot content on Twitter . Today we’ll look at a few tools that allow to discover and keep an eye on hot content shared on Facebook.

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