Archive for February, 2011

Weekly Search & Social News: 02/22/2011


Hello and welcome back to ‘ 7 Days of Search and Social ‘. It was another fun filled week out in the trenches last week. Some (big?) news from Google

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Google Bug Prevents Some Businesses From Verifying Businesses On Google Maps


A Google Places Help thread has several reports from business owners trying to verify their businesses in Google Places.

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Link Building Tools I Wish Someone Would Build


By now most of us know that any sort of automated link building (or buying) service isn’t going to go out and build awesome links in bulk.

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Link Building Tools I Wish Someone Would Build


By now most of us know that any sort of automated link building (or buying) service isn’t going to go out and build awesome links in bulk. Theoretically it may provide some ROI, but it’ll likely be short-lived, and either way it wouldn’t be safe to build a whole strategy around the tactic.

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Why the SEO Industry Changes So Often


Let’s face it the SEO industry is a lot like a runaway train at times and all you can really do is just hold on for dear life and embrace the ongoing changes.  SEO changes because technology changes and the SERP’s sometimes have to parallel everything that is occurring in society as well as overall technology (from the search engines, visitors, mobile, etc.). The search engines have grown by leaps and bounds over the last decade and they will most likely grow by leaps and bounds over the next ten years as well

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Facebook Organizes Its Search Results


Reflecting the growing number of content types on its platform, Facebook has changed it search results display — the drop-down that appears as soon as users begin typing in the Facebook search box. The new display is organized into different content types, replacing the old version which… Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article.

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9 Sins of Google Analytics


Google has created business and consumer applications for just about any occasion imaginable, exemplified by its popular programs like Google Maps and Google Analytics. Because of their ease-of-use and zero cost, many people have come to rely heavily on these solutions

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4 Ways to Find Business Facebook Fan Pages


Either as a consumer that loves different brands or a B2B marketer who’s looking to connect with prospects, Facebook Fan pages offer an easy way to engage with others that have similar interests.  It’s easy enough to find the brand names you know, but when looking using other criteria, it can be tough.

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Dad, Stop Spamming Google – It’s Embarrassing!


Kids are no strangers to their parents embarrassing them when they want to be seen more as adults. So I found it funny when I spotted a Google Webmaster Help thread from a kid claiming his dad is overly promoting his web site through acts of search and web spam…

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Google Brings LIFE Image Archive Back To Life


In 2008, Google released the LIFE image archive at But in December 2010, the LIFE archives broke and users were unable to see, search or browse some of the image archives…

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