Archive for February, 2011

Can Low Cost SEO Firms Service High Cost Client Bases?


A Search Engine Watch Forums thread has a German based SEO individual asking if it is possible to move your SEO operation to a low cost country (he names Thailand) while continuing to service customers based in high cost countries…

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Visualizing Google’s Dominance Of Mobile Advertising


A report on mobile apps report released today by security firm Lookout is being used to discuss the relative sizes and growth of Apple and Google’s apps marketplaces. Called the “App Genome Report,” the much more striking thing it reveals is just how dominant Google is already… Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article.

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Visualize Your Own Information With Google Public Data Explorer


In April 2008, Google launched its Public Data Explorer, a fantastic tool that allows you to visually explore and analyze very large data sets. Since then, it has curated 27 datasets including more than 300 data metrics.

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The JCPenney Situation Is A Symptom Of A Bigger Disease


Assuming you haven’t been living under a rock for the past week, you’ve certainly heard about this JCPenney SEO debacle.

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Texas AG Wants Google’s Formula for AdWords Rates, Ranking Sites


The Texas attorney general leading an antitrust investigation of Google wants to know how Google determines the prices for its AdWords paid search advertising program and how sites are ranked in Google’s search results. According to various reports, a civil investigative demand from Texas AG Gregg Abbott from July 29 asked Google provide his office with: Click to read the rest of this post…

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Hot In Web Design But Not In SEO? Parallax Effects Design


That single page design, that scrolls in new content, is known as the parallax effects and it is done using jQuery.

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Google Penalty Removals Happen Two Ways: Manually & Algorithmically


As I summarized at Search Engine Land a minute ago, Google’s Matt Cutts answered a question that I don’t think was clearly answered by Google before – “When are penalties lifted…

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Google Announces One Pass Subscription Service, Rivals Apple


Google announced a new subscription payment service today called One Pass . Google One Pass is toting itself as a “purchase-once, view-anywhere” service, enabling users to view subscription based e-content on any device. Click to read the rest of this post…

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Google One Pass: Publisher Payment System


The Google Blog announced a new tool to help news publishers earn money online with their content. The system is called Google One Pass and it enables publishers to use Google to charge for content and subscriptions to their content

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