Archive for February, 2011

Google: Exploring User Feedback As Ranking Signal Via Chrome Extension


Google announced a new Chrome extension named Personal Blocklist that enables Chrome users to block search results they do not want to see come up in the future.

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Are You Ready For The Indian Internet Explosion?


I just returned from a few weeks in the major cities of India doing seminars, meeting with various emerging technology companies and my development team for some yet to be disclosed tools. I was constantly amazed with how fast the Internet, online business and broadband connectivity is growing. I…

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Is Long Tail SEO Really SEO?


I’ve had many discussions with others in the SEO arena over the years regarding the value of long tail SEO.

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Na Pohybel Janas: A Google Search Hack?


Starting some time in January…

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If Google Is The New Microsoft, Facebook Is The New Google


One can guess that Egypt’s Hosni Mubarak probably doesn’t “Like” Facebook anymore, the website that now topples governments. (I apologize but I couldn’t resist.) Back in the US the Facebook enemies or, more precisely, “frenemies list” is also growing says a… Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article

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Internet Marketing as a Team – 10 Steps to Success


When it comes to working on an internet marketing project, are you the strong solo player or do you work well interacting with other internet marketing professionals? Most of us in online marketing feel very strongly that our ‘branch’ of the industry – SEO, PPC, etc. – is the most important part of the process and often believe we each have enough knowledge of the other areas to judge how it should all be integrated ourselves; but throw in a graphic designer, in-house marketing staff, translators, then even more specialists and who decides how the project is run?

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Social Media ROI, Automation, Monitoring and the Woman Scorned


Stark, raving mad and angry enough to do some damage. That was me after having what started out as a quick, pleasant Q & A.

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Strategies To Sharpen Your Keyword List


It does not matter if you are optimizing your website or doing AdWords pay-per-click. Keyword research should be the foundation of very online marketing strategy. Keyword research can indicate to you holes in your search engine optimization and paid search strategies

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JC Penny’s Black Hat SEO Backfires


You probably have heard the black hat search engine optimization (SEO) tactics JC Penny’s pursued in order to be ranked well for various search terms particularly in planning for the 2010 holiday season.  The news was uncovered by the New York Times.

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JC Penny’s Black Hat SEO Backfires


You probably have heard the black hat search engine optimization (SEO) tactics JC Penny’s pursued in order to be ranked well for various search terms particularly in planning for the 2010 holiday season.  The news was uncovered by the New York Times. Although, one has to wonder if the New York Times was tipped to this issue by a competitor of JC Penney. The investigation by the New York Times found thousands of unrelated web sites in the retail industry were linking to

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