Archive for February, 2011

Fake Searches Showing In Your Google Search History?


We’ve reported on complaints of Google web history fraud in the past, in fact – it has even helped some moms catch their kids searching for porn. But we know there were examples of Google working with searchers to prevent someone else’s history from showing in their search history results.

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Live Blogging Google’s ThinkMobile Event


Google has been planning its ThinkMobile event for three months. Google’s Jason Spero (former AdMob VP) is on stage first and says he’s been anticipating an “event like this” for “about four years.” He says it reflects the fact that mobile is ready…

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Google launches two-factor authentication


Google just launched two-factor authentication , and I believe everyone with a Google account should enable it.

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Bing Results Get Localized & Personalized


The idea of “normal” search results died a little more today, as Bing has begun delivering personalized listings depending on a searcher’s location or past search history. Google has already been doing the same for several years. Local Results Until today, everyone searching at..

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Google Returns To Yellow Color For AdWords, Goodbye Purple


Google AdWords is like that kid who is always looking for attention. Every few months they change their hair color or dress style.

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Search Marketing Is A Game Of Resources


A lesson I learned many years ago (the hard way), is that the “free traffic” from organic rankings (SEO) is anything but free. Even something as basic as rewriting your vendor’s product descriptions to create unique content takes time – or you have to pay someone to do it. And if you’re..

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Mapquest Introduces Transit, Walking Directions


Mapquest has introduced public transit and walking directions. It has had walking directions on mobile for awhile. The transit directions are limited right now to rail (including subway) and in only a few cities: Rail Transit Directions are now available in six major metro areas (NYC, Chicago,..

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Google Operators In Instant, Profiles In Navigation & AdWords URL On Description Line


Google is often changing and experimenting with their web search interfaces. Most recently, Google switched back from the purple AdWords background color the the yellow color. There are at least three new changes Google has implemented or is testing on their search results interface.

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Why Your Business Needs a Content Marketing Strategy


Google sites handle about 88 billion searches each month. YouTube is the second most popular search engine second only to Google

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10 Local Search Tools I Simply Can’t Live Without


If you were to ask me what the biggest let down in the local search industry was a year ago, I would have answered without hesitation…

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