Archive for February, 2011

Google Switches AdWords Color Back To Yellow From Purple


In July 2010, Google changed the color of the AdWords background from yellow to purple. Now, less 7 months after the switch, it appears Google has gone back to the yellow color.

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Google: We’re Better Now Than 2000. Okay, Let Us Test It!


Google’s Matt Cutts wrote a blog post comparing a “time capsule” of search results he saved from Google’s index in 2000 to the search results in Google today.

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Google Tests Profile Pictures in Social Navigation Bar


Google is testing a new-look navigation bar that could offer a hint of what the company’s plans are for incorporating social elements into search to compete more in Facebook’s territory. This test by Google ditches the traditional blue links in favor of a new stripe on top and a more modern look for the links to Web, Images, Videos, etc. It also inserts a picture taken from the user’s Google profile and uses the person’s name rather than simply listing their e-mail address: Click to read the rest of this post…

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Where’s The Love, DMOZ?


Posted by Dr.

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Months Later, Google Promises Fix For Change of Address Bug


In November 2010 an SEO complained in a Google Webmaster Help thread that when he used the change of address feature in Google Webmaster Tools, it prevented him from doing so because it thought his domain was not a root domain…

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AdWords Background Turns a Paler Shade of Yellow


Looks like Google is once again tinkering with their AdWords background colors. Have a look at the new background color: Click to read the rest of this post…

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Keynoting SMX West: Steven Levy, The Man Who Found Einstein’s Brain


Photo: Marion Ettlinger Headline grab your attention? True story: Steven Levy, one of our keynote speakers at SMX West actually found Einstein’s brain 22 years after the great scientist’s death. But that’s not the main reason he’s keynoting—Steven has spent the past two..

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Google 2000 vs. Google 2011


I sometimes hear people say “Remember when Google launched and the results were so good?

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Google Will Make $10 Per Android User In 2012: Report


A number of reports out underscore how strategic mobile is now for Google’s business.

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Sony Wants Google To Give Info On Commenters, Viewers Of PS3 Hack Video


Sony has gone to court to have Google give them access to information of viewers and the people who have commented on a private YouTube video that shows how to jailbreak their PS3, Slashdot reported . PS3 had been not been fully hacked until recently, but now that there is a full fledged jailbreak available Sony is aggressively prosecuting anyone posting or distributing the hack. “The game maker is also demanding that Twitter provide the identities of a host of hackers who first unveiled a limited version of the hack in December,” Wired reported

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