Archive for February, 2011

Search In Pics: Google Sweden License Plate, Yahoo Beach Sandals & Google Privacy Cup


In this week’s Search In Pictures, here are the latest images culled from the web, showing what people eat at the search engine companies, how they play, who they meet, where they speak, what toys they have, and more. Google Sweden License Plate (see story here): Yahoo Sandals: Eric Schmidt… Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article.

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Reputation Crisis: Where To Turn?


Here’s a rough paraphrase of a classic business cliche: “In business, at the end of the day, your reputation is all you’ve got.” Let’s say that after years of working hard to build a solid reputation, one day, a result surfaces in Google for a search for “your…

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Google: IP Addresses In Webmaster Tools Reports? "Don’t Worry" About It


A Google Webmaster Help thread has a couple webmasters concerned that Google is reporting specific IP addresses in the Webmaster Tools reports, as opposed to the domain associated with the IP address. This is actually not too uncommon…

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Yelp: 35 Percent Of Searches Mobile Now


Yelp released some new mobile data yesterday based on usage and activity in December. The company said that its mobile apps generated calls to local businesses “every other second.” Here are some of the other data: 3.2 million unique visitors used a Yelp mobile app Every other second a…

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Hiybbprqagate: Google, Bing, and the Burning Building


“You wake up in the morning, your paint’s peeling, your curtains are gone, and the water is boiling. Which problem do you deal with first?

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QuickFox Notes: Google Suggest + Notepad


I have stated many times how much I adore Google Suggest (while being not a fan of Google Instant , but that’s another story). And because I love Google Suggest so much, I liked this fun FireFox addon I am going to share today. QuickFox Notes is an awesome FireFox addon that lets you take quick notes (yeah, you may have guessed from the name) while browsing.

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5 Tips on Better Facebook Marketing for B2B Companies


Facebook has been a great tool for reaching consumers directly for many B2C brands.  But can companies focused in the B2B industry use Facebook to enhance a reputation and grow new business?

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Google AdSense Ignoring Your Ads Font Size Preferences


In June 2009, Google gave more control to their AdSense publishers by giving them the ability to control their font sizes of the ads.

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Wassup #SESLondon? 1 Cowboy CEO, 1 Ship Parrrty, 10 Solo Sessions & 50 Jaamit Tributes


With only three weeks to go until SES London, you might be asking yourself what you can expect to get out of the conference and what is going to make it different this year when compared to every other year? Well, as Alan Sugar (the UK equivalent of Donald Trump, and also host of The Apprentice) often says, ‘let me tell you’

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Google Shopper For iPhone


A few months after Google Shopper for Android was released, we now have a similar version for the iPhone. What does it do

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