Archive for February, 2011

Google Search Results With Hotpot


Google launched Hotpot a few months back and now claims the product grew tremendously over the time. So they announced they are integrating Hotpot data directly into the local results on the Web search results…

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Mistakenly 404 A Page & Google Deindexed It? Google Hope To Reinclude It Quicker


A Google Webmaster Help thread has a comment from a Googler that implies Google may be speeding up the process of re-including pages that were removed from Google index by accident…

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Google Plans To Audit Adwords Resellers, Agencies


If you act as a Google reseller or manage customers’ Adwords accounts, Google will be starting audits and checking if you are sending out – at a minimum – monthly reports with spend, click and impression information, the Adwords blog reported . The audits will begin April 1st

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Adwords Region And City Drilldown Added To 17 More Countries


Being able to select specific cities to run your Adwords advertising has always been handy, but in many countries this has not been possible. Bur now there are “17 additional countries to help you reach more customers in local markets with your AdWords campaigns,: the Adwords blog reported. As Google notes: “Location targeting helps you tailor your ads towards specific markets, analyze your AdWords campaigns by market, and optimize your campaigns for higher return-on-investment.

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Google Adds Location Markers To Adwords, Blue Marks The Spot


Google launched blue location markers in to Adwords ads and tie them to the same colored marker on the adjoining map to make your listing stand out amongst the other businesses.

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Top AdWords Get Longer, Leaner Look


Many noticed it last month, but Google has made it official: many AdWords placements at the top of the page will be getting extended headlines. For ads in which each line seems to be a complete sentence, ending in the proper punctuation, Google will move the first description line to the headline,…

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Daily Search Forum Recap: February 3, 2011


Here is a recap of what happened in the search forums today…

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Google Webmaster Tools Search Queries Report Now Less Accurate


The Google Webmaster Blog announced a “slight change” to how the search queries reports are displayed. Google will be rounding the impressions and clicks to one or two significant digits instead of with two or three significant digits.

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SearchCap: The Day In Search, February 3, 2011


Below is what happened in search today, as reported on Search Engine Land and from other places across the web. From Search Engine Land: Did A Google Employee Just Register To Help Recruit New Employees? That’s a screenshot of Google’s “Jobs” page, which can..

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