Archive for February, 2011

Known Issue: Blank Google My Map Results


There are dozens of complaints in the Google Maps Help forums that the Google My Maps results are not working within Internet Explorer.

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Google AdWords Displaying Description In Title Of Ad


Over the past month or so, we have been receiving reports from searchers and advertisers that Google AdWords is showing some funky weird ads. The ads are displaying the first line’s description in the same line as the title of the ad.

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Google’s Groundhog Day: Is The Search Giant Scared Of Its Own Shadow?


Google’s Bing-sting to “prove” that they were copying search results is noteworthy for how elaborate the operation was to catch the hand in the cookie jar. What does Google have to fear from Bing?

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Report: Twitter Co-Founder Ev Williams No Longer Works There


Back in October 2010, Twitter announced that then-CEO and co-founder Evan (@ev) Williams would step down to focus on product. According to a report in the Business Insider, that hasn’t really materialized.

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Google Doesn’t Use Toolbar Data To Index New URLs


There has always been rumors that Google used the data they get from the Google Toolbar to discover new content, outside of the normal crawling or sitemaps method. But those rumors have been debunked several times in our history…

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AdWordsTargeting Getting More Geographically Granular in 17 Countries


AdWords advertisers seeking to target ad to cities in China, Brazil, Mexico and 14 other countries will soon get their wish. Google today will begin rolling out new city and regional targeting capabilities. The changes will allow advertisers to target, analyze and optimize ad campaigns based upon..

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Google, Bing and Facebook: The Tale Of Clickstreams


With the hullabaloo over Bing copying Google search results that occurred yesterday, I started to think what may have motivated the announcement and its timing. Obviously, maximum impact was one, but beyond that why would Google take it to the court of public opinion before using other methods. Google obviously keeps an eye on its competitors and in search Bing is their biggest

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State of the Community


Posted by jennita Every now and then it’s important to take a good look at your community, see where you stand, remember where you’ve been and take a look at where you’re going. Today I wanted to take the time to do just that. Over the next month-ish we have a number of changes and additions happening to the SEOmoz Community that I wanted to let everyone know about.

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SearchCap: The Day In Search, February 2, 2011


Below is what happened in search today, as reported on Search Engine Land and from other places across the web.

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Google Has Check-ins Using Latitude


In a move that seemed inevitable, Google Latitude announced the ability to check-in to places . Latitude is a 2-year-old service that has allowed people to share their location with others. However, until now, that location was simply a pinpoint (with photo) within Google Maps

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