Archive for February, 2011

Google Pledges Crack Down on Unscrupulous AdWords Resellers


Attention AdWords resellers falsely trumpeting your “special” relationship with Google and the discounted pricing you can offer as a result: Google is coming after you.

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NY Times Creates Google Maps Mashup Of Egyptian Riots


Spotted via Google Maps Mania, the NY Times released a Google Maps mashup of images from news agencies of the protests taking place in Egypt. Mibazzar created a Google Maps mashup of videos of the protests in Egypt.

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Live Blogging Bing’s Future Of Search Event


Bing and Big Think are hosting”Farsight 2011: Beyond the Search Box,” a four hour event today in San Francisco looking at the future of search. We’ve got various luminaries lined-up. Google will be on a panel.

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Weekly Search & Social News: 02/01/2011


Hello and welcom back to ‘ 7 Days of Search and Social ‘. Obviously the (big?) news last week was Google’s supposed ‘thin content’ algorithm changes

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Blekko Removes Content Farms From Search Results


In an effort to combat web spam, Blekko will block from its search results 20 of the worst-offending SERP clogging content farms, including Demand Media’s eHow and Answerbag, TechCrunch reports . This list of barred sites are as follows: Click to read the rest of this post…

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YouTube Homepage Layout Protest Shows Less Civility Than Egyptian Protests


On Jan. 20, 2011, YouTube changed its homepage layout . On Jan

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The Google Logo That Never Went Live: Google Students Day Russia


January 25th is known as Tatiana Day, also known as Russian Students Day. It is celebrated in Russia on January 25th, the Russian Orthodox Church declared Saint Tatiana the patron saint of students…

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5 Social Sites You May Not Have Heard About (Yet)


Sure, the current social buzz might be about Quora, Tumblr and Twitter, but there are a variety of great upcoming social sites that can help you accomplish tasks and are quite frankly fun to use! I have highlighted my five favorite social up-and-comers and how you can use them to benefit your…

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3 Things I Wish I Knew When I Started


When my SEO career begun and things began to develop, I begin to think I knew what I was talking about. I thought I knew this and I thought I knew that. My ego, somewhat ridiculously, began to expand, and I thought I knew more than I did.

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Quora as Small Business Tool


I confess: I’m already addicted. While Quora is still suffering the occasional freeze and the frequent hiccup, I just can’t seem to stay away. But I am, after all, a geek

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