Posted by Aaron Wheeler
Posted by Aaron Wheeler
Below is what happened in search today, as reported on Search Engine Land and from other places across the web. From Search Engine Land: YouTube Down, But Still Dominates Online Video; Netflix Owns Movie Watching Video watching was down on YouTube during February, but it still holds a seemingly..
European Union justice chief Viviane Reding, says sites like Google and Facebook must abide by data privacy rules or else they will face court action. Reding’s speech outlined the new stipulations for personal data storage.The new rules target the lifespan of personal data held by companies like Facebook and Google. As a “right to be forgotten” users would have to have he ability to delete their accounts (and data footprints) through such popular sites.
Yesterday a Google AdSense publisher posted a thread at WebmasterWorld complaining that his AdSense ads are appearing in different ad style variations. Shortly after he posted his complaint…
Pearlfinders, a company that interviews senior marketers in the US and UK, found that companies that invest heavily in paid search advertising for desktop devices are still reluctant to invest heavily in mobile, despite widespread opinion that 2011 could finally be the year of the mobile . In conversation with senior marketing executives from established bricks and mortar brands, Hard Rock International (US), Mall of America, Oxfam America, New Jersey Nets, McDonald’s Corporation and the survey found that when it comes to mobile, fairly traditional tactics were favored over bleeding edge mobile marketing techniques.
Video watching was down on YouTube during February, but it still holds a seemingly unsurmountable lead in viewers, video views, and time spent per viewer. According to the latest comScore video stats, which cover February 2010, Google sites — i.e., primarily YouTube — saw a 2.1% drop in…
Google is making good on promises it made to speed its AdSense code, rolling out an overhaul aimed at relieving the drag on publishers’ Web pages. The company estimates that its helping pages load faster by a half a second or more, when, previously, Google acknowledged that its code could…
Google has just announced a new version of Google Analytics, introducing a completely new user experience. The product got a significant face lift and it now looks more enterprise-like.
Matt McGee posted a nice discussion at Sphinn asking what are the most overrated SEO techniques you know of. This comes after the most underused SEO techniques…
This is the first time in years that Google does not have a St.