Archive for July, 2011

Better Understanding Link-based Spam Analysis Techniques


Posted by Justin Briggs

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I’m Feeling Lucky: The Confessions of Google Employee Number 59


Don’t wait until Christmas. Don’t wait for your birthday

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Gmail Man Stages Email Intervention


Microsoft and Google seem to be battling it out over email. Cloud based email services to be exact.

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Google Maps Usability Study This Monday


Do you love Google Maps? Do you want to give Google your feedback on the product?

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Bug: Bing Sitemap Pending


A Bing Help thread has a solo report of an issue with Bing leaving new sitemaps in the “pending” status. Sitemaps can be submitted to Bing via their Webmaster Tools interface

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As Google+ Controversy Rages, Linden Lab Launch Social Profiles


Two weeks ago, when I first wrote about the problems with Google+ and identity/pseudonymity, some people misunderstood. They believed that I was speaking about a virtual worlds issue (solely and specifically), and what’s more, a personal one, even…

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Will You Give Google Page Speed Service A Spin?


Google announced they will soon be offering a new service for webmasters, a service named Page Speed Service. The service is a lot like a CDN, content delivery network, where Google will fetch your pages, optimize them…

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Daily Search Forum Recap: July 29, 2011


Here is a recap of what happened in the search forums today, through the eyes of the Search Engine Roundtable and other search forums on the web…

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Optify, Raven Tools, BrightLocal, SortPrice & SEOmoz Update Tools


This month many companies that you may already be using, or a have heard about previously, updated their services or released new product offerings. As Search Engine Watch (SEW) provided last month, here is a brief roundup of the pick of the bunch…

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