Archive for September, 2011

SMN Webcasts this week – Call Tracking, Holiday Online Retail


Search Marketing Now, our sister site, will host two webcasts this week. On Wednesday, September 28, Charles Laughlin of BIA/Kelsey and John Busby of Marchex will discuss how marketers can “Use Call Tracking to Monetize Your Online and Mobile Presence.” On Thursday, September 29, the… Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article

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How To Create QR Codes With Optimal URL Strategies In Mind


My last few columns painted a picture of QR codes as a force that will disrupt paid search and organic search marketing strategies. QR codes give consumers a faster, easier shortcut than searching in many situations. I talked about how the generation of these “mobile links” will demand..

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A Quality Score Rant Plus 3 Suggestions For The Engines To Improve It


Far too much has been written about Quality Score already and I’m loathe to add to the pile, but I have some ideas that might help us all. The exact recipes for Quality Score on Google and Bing are unknown, and it is that uncertainty that creates so much room for mischief and blather…. Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article

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Bing Deals – No, Not A Copy Cat


Bing announced they have launched a new deals site at But guess what?

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Former Search Tool Evri Joins Crowded iPad News Club


The recent trend for search technologies that aren’t or weren’t able to compete directly as search engines is to become newsreaders or content discovery vehicles.

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Google Drive: Is the Dropbox Party Over?


On Saturday afternoon, a rumor leaked that is likely to have the Dropbox team feeling hung over as they report to work this morning. According to a TechCrunch report, the Google Drive is real, currently being used by the Google team, and poised for a launch prior to the end of this year.

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5 Keyword Research Alternatives for Mobile, News, Social, Image & Video Optimization


Keyword and topic research is a significant part of Search, Social Media and Content Marketing.  An understanding of what customers care about related to a brand’s offering and how that manifests as keywords, helps drive how marketer’s approach content, optimization and promotion. Over the past 5+ years, the search landscape has evolved significantly and optimization has extended beyond the web page to digital assets like images, PDF’s and video, news, social media and mobile

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Pew Internet: Diving Into How We Access Local News


In studies of the evolution in how Americans seek out news, the trends tend to be that we use search and other online methods for staying informed. The consistent exception is how we access local news

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Script Kiddies Hack USA Today Twitter Account


The Script Kiddies, which is the same group that recently hacked the NBC Twitter account , struck again Sunday evening.

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3 Steps to Happy Holiday SEM Returns


Q4 is here, and with it come the expectations of online retailers for a very merry PPC season. At the peak of the holiday shopping season, we typically see click volume nearly double and revenue double or even triple. So ‘tis the season to t…

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