Archive for January, 2012

Extreme Couponing: Searching for the Deals


Search has emerged as a critical tool in coupon-gathering and can tell us quite a bit about how your marketing strategy should evolve. Retailers who don’t engage with consumers on this turf just might find themselves left out in the cold

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Google+ Optimization vs. Community Building: Pros & Cons of Google SPYW


Google+ Optimization or Community Building? Initially I looked at Google+ the same as other Google social projects like Wave and Orkut.

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Strategic Link Building: Why You Don’t Need To Outrun Lions


Posted by oline123 This post was originally in YouMoz , and was promoted to the main blog because it provides great value and interest to our community. The author’s views are entirely his or her own and may not reflect the views of SEOmoz, Inc. One of my favourite SEO anecdotes goes like this: two men are walking through an African game reserve when they come across a lion, one of the men calmly puts down his backpack and slips on the running shoes he has been carrying

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Anchor Text Distribution: Avoiding Over Optimization


Posted by Geoff Kenyon The ‘over optimization’ of anchor text has been coming up a lot recently in conversations that I have been having and has been the subject of a few recent blog posts. For the sake of this post and to quell any arguments stemming from the phrase ‘over optimization’, I am, for this post, defining the term as: building too many links with targeted anchor text such that they a) no longer provides value or b) actually takes away value – basically you’ve built too many targeted links and you’re not seeing your rankings increase

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Study: Reviews And Images Drive Clicks In Mobile


Last November Canadian digital agency Mediative (owned by Canada’s Yellow Pages Group) released an eye- and click-tracking study focused on Google Places and Google Maps on the PC. We wrote up the results when they were published.

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Reach and Frequency: SEO Secret to Brand Building on Google?


SEO has reached a point where you could make an argument that some traditional metrics of building a brand should be incorporated into reporting of “success” for SEO. If you can build the brand, shouldn’t it help natural search engine rankings?

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Greatest Super Bowl Commercials Ever & 2012 Ad Preview


Unruly Media has just unveiled a new viral video chart of the greatest Super Bowl commercials of all time. The social video advertising experts at Unruly have also created a second viral video chart of top Super Bowl ads of 2012.

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Largest Snowflake World Record As A Google Logo


This is a bit weird for a Google logo but weird does not surprise me for Google. Today’s Google logo celebrates the day of the citing of the largest snowflake every spotted

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Google Logo For Largest Observed Snowflake


Did you know that today, 125 years ago, in Fort Keogh, Montana, the largest snowflake was documented and placed in the world record book?

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Largest Snowflake Ever Observed in Google Doodle


The largest snowflake ever observed in the world supposedly appeared 125 years ago today in Fort Keogh, Montana. A Google Doodle today prominently features a giant snowflake and leads searchers to discover more about this Guinness World record

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