Archive for March, 2012

Bing Coffee Stand


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Dark Side of the Links: It’s All Fun & Games ‘Til Google Catches On


The most prudent linking strategist will develop several different types of strategies, some purely to appeal to the search engines, others far removed from Google but designed to appeal to a demographic.

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Outreach Letters for Link Building [Real Examples]


Posted by Peter Attia This post was originally in YouMoz , and was promoted to the main blog because it provides great value and interest to our community. The author’s views are entirely his or her own and may not reflect the views of SEOmoz, Inc. Outreach letters are a primary element in any quality link building campaign: If you're not getting responses, you're not getting links

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Mobile to Account for 25% of Paid Search Clicks on Google in 2012 [Study]


Tablets and smartphones offer huge opportunity for advertisers, boasting lower costs per click and conversion with higher click-through rates. A new study and infographic from Marin demonstrate how mobile is changing the way consumers search.

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Ludwig Mies van der Rohe Google Logo


Today on Google’s home page is a special logo for Ludwig Mies van der Rohe. Today would be his 126th birthday

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SEO & PPC: The Comprehensive Starting Points for Driving Mobile Traffic


How do you take the concept of mobile marketing and make it actionable and profitable? Driving Mobile Traffic: SEO & PPC at SES New York, tackled today’s marketplace, mobile friendly websites, and PPC and SEO fundamentals specific to mobile.

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UK MPs Threaten Legislative Wrath if Google Doesn’t Censor Search Results


MPs on the joint committee investigating privacy and injunctions aren’t unconvinced by evidence presented by Google that introducing filtering technology is impractical to prevent users accessing material which could be subject to court orders.

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Google: Don’t Block Your CSS & JavaScript Files


Yesterday, Google’s Matt Cutts posted a video as a “public service announcement” asking SEOs and webmasters who are blocking GoogleBot from accessing their CSS and JavaScript files to stop blocking Google from accessing those files. Matt Cutts said

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Search, Images, Maps & Now Google Play


Last night Google added a new navigation bar link to the top menu named “Play.” This is for Google Play, a place Google sells content, games, music and more directly to consumers. As Danny said…

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Google Research: Even If You Rank #1 Organically, You Can Double Your Clicks With Paid Search


When marketers have scrutinized Google’s research on how organic and paid search results work together — the search giant concluded that nixing the paid ads would result in a 89% drop in clicks — it’s been clear there’s more to the story. What happens if your brand is… Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article

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