Archive for April, 2012

The Negative SEO Debate Sparks Up Again


The topic of negative SEO is not new. It is the process of downgrading your competitor’s rankings in order to help boost your own rankings. But it is highly debated in SEO circles for a few reasons..

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Friday Humor: Game of Thrones and @NathanFillion


I want to thank @GidgetTheGeek for pointing this out to me because I was gone on Monday, April 16th. Celebrities on Twitter can be a lot of fun to watch and today I get to show you one of my favorite celebs on Twitter

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Video Recap of Weekly Search Buzz :: April 20, 2012


I talk about the Google bug that led to dozens of sites being delisted in Google. I also go through some points SEOs should be aware of before the over optimization filter hits

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Infographics: Goldilocks SEO, Getting Search Engine Optimization “Just Right”


With worries of “over-optimization” on the minds of many SEOs right now, it’s a good time to remember that it’s long been good advice in search engine optimization never to do anything to an extreme.

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Google Parked Domain Classifier Error Blamed for Lost Search Rankings


Several websites vanished from Google’s index earlier this week. It wasn’t the much rumored over-optimization boogeyman

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Is the Internet Hurting the Earth? [Infographic] #Earthday


This Sunday is Earth Day 2012, when we earthlings devote the entire day to hugging trees and recycling plastic water bottles in retribution for the damage we’ve been inflicting on the planet for centuries. You probably already know that it’s important to reuse, reduce and recycle. But there’s an anti-green culprit lurking among us – Follow SEJ on Twitter @sejournal

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Search In Pics: Google Halfpipe, Gooogle Cars & The Bing Train


In this week’s Search In Pictures, here are the latest images culled from the web, showing what people eat at the search engine companies, how they play, who they meet, where they speak, what toys they have, and more.

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Conversion Rate Optimization In Paid Search: Why Click Through Rate Matters


One might find it strange to talk about click-through rate (CTR) optimization when talking about conversion rate optimization, since these indicators do not initially seem related. Yet, while these metrics are not always correlated, they sometimes – and actually often – are. However, a high…

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Negative SEO: Looking for Answers from Google


It seems we’re finally starting to see more of what many have suspected: that others can indeed affect your rankings with bad links – otherwise known as negative SEO. And this time it’s going to be damned hard to get the worms back into the can!

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5 Tips to Get More Out of Your Search Ad Campaign


A study by Google shows that search advertising combined with SEO can result in an incremental lift in search ad clicks. The key to a successful search advertising campaign is often outside of the campaign itself. Your entire Web presence plays a role

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