Archive for April, 2012

The Fallacy of Influence


How important is influence with online marketing ? Most professionals would say influence is pretty important, especially when it comes to social media

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What People Search For – Most Popular Keywords


Billions of searches are conducted each day on popular search engines and social websites by people all around the world.

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Train Bing


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Bing Keyword Research Tool: Highlights & Limitations


Out of the box, Bing’s new Keyword Tool offers several noteworthy highlights, such as keyword data without rounding or averages and six months of data. However, the tool has some limitations that will hopefully be fixed when Bing moves out of beta.

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A Noogle Hangout


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A Beginner’s Guide to Paid Search


As a beginner in the paid search realm, learning the ins and outs of the industry takes some time. So get started now! Here are best practices and optimization strategies for keywords, budgets/bids, ads, targeting, retargeting, and tracking.

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Google Sends Out 20,000 Weird Redirect Hacked Notifications


Yesterday, Google sent out about 20,000 warnings to webmasters that have had their sites compromised and may have no idea about it. Matt Cutts tweeted they sent out these notifications of “your site might be hacked” for sites suffering from “weird redirects..

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ZOMG! Mozcon Agenda Now Live (and Early Bird Pricing Ends Friday)


Posted by randfish Every year, our annual summer customer conference, Mozcon , sells out to capacity, and this year is shaping up to be no different. In my opinion this is largely due to the speakers and the format. The content is among the best I see each year because the conference has developed a reputation as a forcing function for “upping one's game” on quality of tactics and presentation delivery

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Google Update April 2012? Over SEO Penalty?


In the past 20 hours or so, I have seen a huge uptick in the number of complaints in the Google Webmaster Help forums with people complaining that their sites no longer rank in Google…

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AdWords To Automatically Match For Misspellings, Other Variants


Most experienced AdWords advertisers have developed keyword lists that include things like misspellings, plurals, and other variations on a keyword or phrase. Now, Google will do all this automatically — as it does with organic results — with exact and phrase matching, though… Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article.

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