Archive for April, 2012

Linkscape Index Delay Explained


Posted by BrandonF Last night we had to delay the Linkscape index launch date yet again to April 27th as can be seen on our release schedule . This is the second time we have had to adjust the launch date this processing cycle meaning there will be almost two months between index releases

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Yahoo In A Fight For Its Life


According to Reuters on Tuesday next week the already embattled new Yahoo CEO Scott Thompson will lay out his vision for the company. The pressure will be on to deliver a coherent and convincing plan — emphasis on convincing.

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AdWords Gets ZIP Code Targeting, Location Insertion, Other Tweaks


Google this week introduced the ability to target more than 30,000 ZIP codes in AdWords, giving advertisers the ability to find potential customers in a familiar, granular way.

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4 SEO Recommendations to Target the Long Tail


For many enterprise companies, long tail keyword traffic is important because it drives the lion’s share of search traffic. These actionable recommendations will help you increase the amount of total targeted, organic search traffic to your website.

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Online Marketing News: Social Media ROI Gets Serious, Know Your Metrics, Facebook Search Engine, Twitter Rumors & What They Mean For You


Are Your Social Media Efforts Worth The Money? This infographic recently released by Radian6 dives into how online marketers are currently measuring social media results as well as questions many marketers are asking.  Some of the highlights include: Equation for determining ROI Customer Engagement Importance of ROI 3 Rules for Building Business Relationships Building your network both online and offline requires effort

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Using Data To Better Understand Tablet Consumer Behavior


The emergence of the tablet PC as a legitimate device for online activities beyond media consumption has turned the eyes of marketers and analysts towards understanding how tablet user behavior differs from that of traditional desktop and mobile. There are certain things which simply cannot be done… Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article

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Friday Humor: A word about Gmail Tap with LL Cool J


LL Cool J explains Gmail “tap”. You kind of have to watch to get it. Thanks to Jenny Lopez / @jennita for sharing this! Follow SEJ on Twitter @sejournal Follow SEJ on Twitter @sejournal

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Anti-Trafficking Organizations Request Investigation of Google AdWords


In the recent past, Google has been accused of profiting off of serving illegal ads related to online pharmacies, illegal Olympic ticket sales, and recently lost a case in an Australian court related to being “engaged in misleading and deceptive conduct.” Now, the National Association of Human Trafficking Victim Advocates (NAHTVA) along with 37 other Follow SEJ on Twitter @sejournal

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10 SEO Leadership Qualities


Any successful cause, country, or company has a strong leader. Good SEO leadership skills are critical to ensuring you and your SEO program succeed

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How SEO & PPC Can Help Build Your Email Marketing List


Online marketers say email marketing is the online channel that contributes the most qualified leads to their businesses. Here are three practical steps tying SEO and PPC initiatives to the continued development of the email marketing list.

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