Archive for August, 2012

How SEMs Can Recognize & Resist Google-Think


One of the seminal moments in George Orwell’s 1984 occurs when the hero – Winston Smith – is finally convinced by his torturers that 2+2=5.

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15 Tips on Managing an Internet Marketing Team


Tweet In some ways, it’s odd to even look at the statement, “managing an Internet marketing team,” as few companies actually had dedicated digital marketing departments prior to the last five to 10 years! However, it’s a challenge that more and more businesses are facing, as a strong, vibrant Web presence is becoming a non-negotiable

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Jury Finds Samsung Guilty of Patent Infringement


Tweet On late Friday afternoon, a juryin a San Jose federal courtroom handed Apple a major legal victory in a landmark patent trial. The jurors, who according to the foreman believed Apple’s demand of $2.75 billion in damages was “extraordinarily high,” ultimately decided that Samsung should be required to pay Apple $1.05 billion in damages.

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Facebook – A Love Story: Using Earned & Paid Media to Better Attract & Engage Customers


With a good idea and a killer engagement strategy, you absolutely can rely solely on Facebook to generate new and repeat business. Here’s how one company did it, plus five tips to help you create a lasting relationship with your own customers.

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Is Google Afraid of the Big Bad Wolfram?


Google is afraid.

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YouTube TrueView Ads a Recipe for Success for BBQGuys


By keeping costs low with TrueView ads, the team has been able to purchase relevant, generic video keywords, which has raised brand awareness and increased click-throughs in ads that appear alongside Google search results.

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Google Hiring Privacy Red Team


Google has begun hiring for a crack team of data experts – code named Red Team – to help resolve privacy complaints, following the $22.5 million fine it had to pay the Federal Trade Commission after issues relating to the Safari browser.

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Guest Blogging – Enough is Enough


Posted by Carson Ward If your process chart looks like this, prepare for complete failure. Guest blogging is not a strategy , and it’s not a generic solution that can be applied to every client or every part of your site.

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Bad Link Building Recovery After Google Penguin


For those who were hit by Google’s Penguin update, the situation is dire. The big question is, can you recover? Yes.

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