Archive for January, 2013

The Ultimate Guest Blogger’s Guide for 2013


Share on Twitter Share on Google+ Share on Facebook Share on LinkedIn Let’s start with some perspective: Guest blogging works, if you know how to do it. Like any marketing tactic, guest blogging is but one choice among many. Will it provide your business the kind of results you need to meet your own particular The post The Ultimate Guest Blogger’s Guide for 2013 appeared first on Search Engine Journal

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Social Media Link Building


Social media is all about relationship building and increasing visibility for your brand.

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Designing for SEO


Posted by graphitas This post was originally in YouMoz , and was promoted to the main blog because it provides great value and interest to our community.

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SEO Reporting: How Much is Too Much?


SEO reporting can definitely drag on productivity, so where does one stop? Should you take a minimalist approach, keeping things actionable and getting on with the work at hand, or bombard clients with pages full of flowery terminology and graphs?

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4 Blogging Basics For Online Retailers


Retail websites are flush with product information, specs, and images of items available for purchase.  However, it may be difficult to find a way to provide detailed and engaging content for customers visiting a website when they’re just looking to purchase. Starting a company blog provides a good opportunity to attract new customers and engage current customers with content about your products and other topics that are of importance to them.  It doesn’t matter if the items being sold are car parts, clothing, electronics or furniture, there is an opportunity to help solve pain points and arm your customers with information that encourages engagement and purchasing decisions

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3 Key Themes From Q4 Paid Search


Q4 2012 reports from Kenshoo, Marin, and Covario show strong volume, traffic, and conversions; mobile and tablet traffic levels hitting all-time highs, and that Thanksgiving day has officially become a retail force to be reckoned with.

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Bloggers: Making Spammers by Avoiding Spam?


It’s easy to discount guest posting as a legitimate practice because of the scammers trying to manipulate the SERPs. This doesn’t mean all guest posting is bad though

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All Of The Martin Luther King Google Doodles


On, there is a special logo for Martin Luther King, Jr. today for the official holiday celebrated for his life. Google’s Doodle, as always…

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Are Search Engines Driving Libraries To Extinction? Not Quite Yet


With today’s instant anywhere-anytime access to Google, Bing and Wolfram Alpha, where searching for information takes scant heartbeats via an internet-connected device, some people regard physical libraries as a quaint relic of a forgotten age. But new research from Pew Research… Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article.

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