Archive for January, 2013

Daily Search Forum Recap: January 7, 2013


Here is a recap of what happened in the search forums today, through the eyes of the Search Engine Roundtable and other search forums on the web…

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SearchCap: The Day In Search, January 7, 2013


Below is what happened in search today, as reported on Search Engine Land and from other places across the web. From Search Engine Land: A Search Marketer’s Guide To Google Display Advertising, Part 3 Last month, we took a look at the wealth of Google Display Network (GDN) targeting options and… Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article.

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Productivity Power Panel: Tools, Tactics, & Workflows of Highly Productive Bloggers – #NMX


I arrived early to Monday Productivity Power Panel and it was standing room only.  I quickly snapped my picture (as you can see the panelists were doing the same of the packed room) and found my spot in the back of the room, on the floor.  This panel discussion features Moderator Craig Jarrow ( @TMNinja ) and speakers Leo Widrich ( @LeoWid ), Brett Kelly ( @inkedmn ), and Mike Vardy ( @MikeVardy ). In this session the speakers covered 3 different elements to becoming a highly productive blogger: – Techniques and Tools – Social Media and Sharing – Gadgets and Gear Techniques For Picking Blog Topics Craig: One of the first things we get asked about is how do we generate so much content, or how do you write so many posts on the same topic?

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Meet Izik: Tablet-Friendly Search From Blekko


Izik is a new search experience built specifically with the iPad and Android tablets in mind using Blekko’s algorithms, sans-spam thanks to human curating. The goal in creating Izik was to change search to be more touch-friendly on tablets

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Social Media Marketing UFC Style with Dana White at #NMX


If you had to put a value on the UFC, what would it be? You wouldn’t be remiss to put it in the hundreds of millions, or even billions. Dana White got into the UFC for $2 million and people thought he and his partners were out of their minds for paying even that much.

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A Search Marketer’s Guide To Google Display Advertising, Part 3


Last month, we took a look at the wealth of Google Display Network (GDN) targeting options and explained how they work. This month, I’d like to give you a handful of tips on how to structure your GDN campaigns and ad groups to take advantage of those tactics so you get most out of your Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article

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A Search Marketer’s Guide To Google Display Advertising, Part 3


Last month, we took a look at the wealth of Google Display Network (GDN) targeting options and explained how they work.

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Bird Got the Word: Hashtag is Word of the Year


The hashtag, or ‘#’, is a regular feature on Twitter and is making its way into the daily conversations of people who actually say things like “hashtag: awkward” out loud. No wonder then that it is “word of the year”.

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