Archive for February, 2013

aHrefs versus MajesticSEO: The Real Test


Tools reviews are not easy: You can test usability (based on your own preferences) and compare the feature set with what you have seen so far. However, if you want to dig deeper and compare the complex data and come to well-grounded conclusions, you need to be careful.

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February 2013 Google Webmaster Report; Possible Update


That time of the month again for the Google Webmaste Report where we summarize any recent findings by savvy SEOs and webmasters via the ongoing WebmasterWorld thread and recap the top changes and updates in the past 30 days or so. First..

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Coke and Oreo: Battle of the Legacy Brands


The battle of the brands became as unpredictable as the game of football itself last Sunday night during the Super Bowl.

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Survey: Half Of Small Businesses Never Update Their Listings Online


ConstantContact’s SinglePlatform division has released the results of a new survey of small businesses (SMBs).

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4 Things New Site Owners Need to Understand about SEO


I’ve been offering SEO workshops in Boston for several years now. While I know that eight hours isn’t enough time for someone to learn all there is to know about SEO (I’ve been in this industry for 13 years and I’m still learning!), I try to give as complete an overview as I can so Author information Nick Stamoulis Nick Stamoulis is the President of Brick Marketing, a full service Boston SEO firm . With nearly 13 years of experience in the Internet Marketing industry, Nick Stamoulis shares his B2B SEO knowledge by contributing to the Brick Marketing Blog and publishing the Brick Marketing SEO Newsletter, read by over 160,000 opt-in subscribers.

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4 Steps to Panda-Proof Your Website (Before It’s Too Late!)


If your site is guilty of transgressions that might provoke the Panda and you haven’t been hit yet, consider yourself lucky.

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How to Create & Analyze Valuable Facebook Reports


A huge part of mastering Facebook Ads is mastering Facebook ads reporting and analysis.

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Facebook For Business: Offer Varied Content, Engage More Fans, & Know Your Odds


Social media for business has become a necessity, not an option.  However, with the quickly evolving algorithms, applications, and platforms it can be hard to keep up.  An essential part of marketing any product or solution is ensuring that you reach as many of your prospects and customers as possible. In recent months Facebook has made several changes which affects which of your fans see specific content that you post.  According to Mari Smith (a Facebook marketing guru), “The way Facebook’s Edgerank algorithm works is that each piece of content – whether posted via a personal profile or fan page – passes through a three-part filter and has a different score for each user or fan. In other words, we all see content from fan pages differently.” So when every post counts, what can you do to better attract and engage your Facebook fans

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3 Big PPC Mistakes Even Pros Make & How to Avoid Them


Everyone makes mistakes. You’ve heard that saying a thousand times, yet it still rings true. Not even seasoned professionals are perfect.

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