Archive for February, 2013

How a 1970s Discount Store Can Increase Your Conversion Rate


Posted by Phil Sharp This post was originally in YouMoz , and was promoted to the main blog because it provides great value and interest to our community. The author’s views are entirely his or her own and may not reflect the views of SEOmoz, Inc. I want to tell you a true story about a discount store from the 1970s called D.B.

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Facebook and Google Advertising, SEO Sessions in the Spotlight – SMX West in Two Weeks!


Just two months into 2013, and Facebook has introduced Graph Search and Google enhanced AdWords to improve multi-channel campaign management. These are just a couple of the developments we’ll be covering in-depth at Search Engine Land’s SMX West in San Jose, March 11-13. You’ll hear firsthand…

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Google Webmaster Support Challenges From A Googler


John Mueller, a Google Webmaster Trends Analyst shared on of the more frustrating aspects of his job on Google+. It seems like he noticed a site was hacked and he tried several different ways to notify the webmaster or site owner of the hack and was unsuccessful…

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Google Analytics Change History Helps You Understand & Track Changes


Change History records changes made to pretty much everything that happens in the admin area of your account: user changes and access, account settings, profiles, site properties, goals, filters and every Google Analytics admin function available.

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Why Do Brands Overlook The SEO Opportunity For Non-Branded Keywords?


Many of the large enterprises we work with have a significant brand. They can mount advertising campaigns to create leverage for all of their marketing efforts

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Google: PageRank Dilution Through A 301 Redirect Is A Myth


Just under three years ago, we reported that 301 redirects don’t pass full PageRank and that you should try to link through a normal link versus using 301 redirects. The truth is, a 301 redirect and a link pass the same amount of PageRank

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6 Free Google Docs Ever SEO Needs To Have


One of my favorite parts of being in the online marketing community is how people within the community are so generous in sharing tips, strategies, and tools to do your job better. A common way that a lot of online marketers use to build helpful tools is Google Documents. Using Google Docs is ideal because it’s free, Author information Benjamin Beck Benjamin Beck is an online marketing consultant with an emphasis in SEO and social media

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Google Dishes Out Widespread Penalties For Advertorials


On Friday, I reported three times at Search Engine Land on a widespread penalty Google dished out over advertorials. In short, Google penalized Interflora, a very popular UK flower seller…

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3 Neuromarketing Considerations For Landing Page Optimization


Last month, I attended a webinar by Tim Ash called “Understanding the Brain’s Need for Novelty & Shortcuts”.

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Is Social Media Worthwhile For Local Businesses?


In the past few weeks, I’ve been confronted multiple times by the question of whether social media is truly worthwhile for local businesses. The question comes from companies feeling the pinch of costs while also desiring to promote themselves adequately

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