Quora ranks questions and answers by user engagement. Social media metrics on this platform center around the number of followers, views, votes and shares each question has
Quora ranks questions and answers by user engagement. Social media metrics on this platform center around the number of followers, views, votes and shares each question has
Mozilla.org, the non-profit organization behind Firefox, Thunderbird and tons of developer oriented tools, was penalized by Google. Christopher More, Mozilla’s Web Production Manager, posted the details of the penalty in the Google Webmaster Help forums…
Within the context of Google’s constantly changing algorithm updates, it’s critical to keep finding new ways to build links, develop good content, and show authority.
Global search ad spend rose 15% in Q1 2013 versus the previous year according to the Kenshoo Global Search Advertising Trends report released today. That rise in spend was driven largely by a 62% increase in click-through rates and a 21% increase in clicks year-over-year.
You may have heard that content is king, but the truth is that informational content is king. It’s estimated that approximately 50-80% of search queries are informational in nature (pdf).
You may have heard that content is king, but the truth is that informational content is king.
You may have heard that content is king, but the truth is that informational content is king. It’s estimated that approximately 50-80% of search queries are informational in nature (pdf).
How are you adding genuine value to your audience? This is the question you must answer if you want to consistently and repeatedly create dynamite content. Spend more time up front brainstorming content, then keep tuning and refining those ideas
A Hacker News thread has an interesting post about some of the templates comment spammers use to inject those almost, but not really, real but spammy comments on your site…
At some point, most of us have been lost. We know our ultimate destination, but either through a wrong turn or poor directions we find ourselves in the wrong place and likely very frustrated