Archive for June, 2013

Video Recap of Weekly Search Buzz :: June 28, 2013


This week, Google’s Matt Cutts said thee is a multi-week update being pushed out through July 4th. MozCast is showing huge spikes in ranking changes over the past few days…

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3 Ways to Leverage Facebook’s Graph Search by @MarcPurtell


Facebook’s Graph Search will change the search marketing game.

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Search In Pics: Matt Cutts Doing The Google Dance, Woz With Glass & Google Blimps


In this week’s Search In Pictures, here are the latest images culled from the Web, showing what people eat at the search engine companies, how they play, who they meet, where they speak, what toys they have, and more. Matt Cutts Doing The Google Dance: Source: Google+ Steve Wozniak With… Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article.

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Google News Adds Sports Scores & Weather To Homepage, Gives Business & Tech Sections Editors Picks


Google News has rolled out three updates, giving users quick access to sports scores and weather forecast from the News homepage, while adding Editors’ Picks content to the Business and Technology sections. The newly added ‘Sports Scores’ content highlights recent sporting event..

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Four Schools of SEO Success Thought


Having worked in the SEO industry for quite a few years now, I’ve heard myself uttering the same words over and over again: “SEO is a team game.” Clients of mine understand that SEO is truly something that requires effort on both sides, and potential clients hear it all the time.

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Company Photos Are Now Being Shown In The SERPs? by @smorgs13


image credit: Shutterstock Rel=author has been a success, hasn’t it? Not only is it easy to set up, but users have also seen a higher CTR via the SERPs. New findings have been released that suggests Google may be using company photos just like they’ve been using author markup

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Global Site Infrastructure Plan Essential For Effective SEO & Usability


Targeting the world with a website is a huge opportunity for today’s marketers — but very few businesses start out with that goal. The vast majority target a particular nation first, prove the business model, grow their business’ success, and then consider rolling out globally….

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Google Publisher Coming To Search Results With Google+ Logo?


As you know, authorship in the search results is a big deal.

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Snowden Petition Blocked From Google? Like All Petitions, It Won’t Be When It Gets Enough Signatures


Search for “edward snowden petition” to find the petition filed through the White House’s Petition site, and you’ll see something odd. The petition has no description, because the White House won’t let Google crawl the page. But it’s not a move against Snowden,..

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Well-Timed Link Building: How to Capitalize on Popular Topics


Timing is crucial for popular topics with a predictable life cycle, and will make your link building efforts much more effective.

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