Successful marketing is the centrifuge to business success. It’s how you maintain relationships with your customers, build your brand and make sales.
Successful marketing is the centrifuge to business success. It’s how you maintain relationships with your customers, build your brand and make sales.
Enterprise marketers, particularly in the B-to-B space, often find content development a difficult proposition.
Trying to clean up your backlink profile? If your site has sunk in Google’s search results due to a large number of unnatural links point to inner pages, you can quickly remove links by removing these pages. Here’s how to do it correctly.
By understanding who your audience is, you’re able to offer them a targeted message. While your personas and triggers may vary slightly, here are common distinctions in the consumer buying cycle and specific content types that work well for each
When Joe Pulizzi first contacted me to talk about his first book, Get Content, Get Customers, the conversation and ensuing connection over the following years proved to be a positive and productive influence on my approach to digital marketing. Even if this blog wasn’t named the #1 content marketing blog three times by Junta42, our involvement with events like Content Marketing World as a speaker, media sponsor and creator of the Speaker EBooks ( Content Marketing Secrets and Content Marketing Rocks! ) would still have manifested in one way or another. Joe has been an incredible influence on many and has made a significant impact on the quality of marketing found within many major brands.
Google announced you can now customize the conversion window length from a flat 30 day period, now to a period anywhere between 7 and 90 days. Google said, “We’re also adding the capability to customize your conversion counting window from 7 to 90 days after a click…
All this talk about having the best, most authoritative, most professional, most correct and accurate information on your web site – throw it out the window. Okay, maybe I am being a bit sarcastic but stick with me here…
You know that annoying kid who is constantly poking you on your back and asking the same annoying request over and over again…
The official YouTube blog announced today that it is now utilizing Google+ to better moderate all comments on videos. YouTube said this change was to better display comments that users would most want to see. Profiles that have been verified by Google+ or YouTube will be pushed to the top of the comment thread: YouTube […] Author information Kelsey Jones Search & Social Consultant at MoxieDot