Archive for May, 2014

New YouTube Tool Reveals How Well Your ISP Can Stream Video by @mattsouthern


YouTube announced the released of a new tool today that assesses the level of video quality that your Internet service provider is capable of streamin YouTube videos. If you live in the US or Canada, you can use the Google Video Quality Report tool to find out how well your ISP stacks up. If you often run into issues with videos buffering, then this report will shed some light as to why

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SearchCap: Google Panda Slap Press Releases, Authorship Gone Again & North Korea Mapping


Below is what happened in search today, as reported on Search Engine Land and from other places across the web. From Search Engine Land: Google Authorship Goes Down Again, Twice In One Week Google Authorship is once again down for the count, second time within a one-week period. Authorship is the..

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Google Authorship Goes Down Again, Twice In One Week


Google Authorship is once again down for the count, second time within a one-week period.

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Acquire New Skills & Find Inspiration – Attend the Search Engine Land Summit


You deliver results daily, but staying successful means identifying opportunities, implementing new technologies and processes, developing great people, and preparing for the next big thing.

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Google AdWords Knowledge Graph Overlays


@ArianaWolf spotted Google placing those knowledge graph overlays we see often in the organic search results…

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Did Google Panda 4.0 Go After Press Release Sites?


Nine days ago when Google released Panda 4.0 – which aims to filter out “thin” content from top rankings – we focused our attention on the big Winners & Losers charts, Since then, some have noted that press releases may have also been hit big time. Using SearchMetrics, I… Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article

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Mobile Search Advertising and Call Analytics – Webcast on Tuesday


On Tuesday, June 3rd, at 1 PM EDT, our sister site, Digital Marketing Depot will host a webcast on call tracking analytics and mobile search advertising. Speakers Jeff Braislin and Tim Graber of Marchex will present “Increasing Mobile Performance Through Advanced Call Analytics.” Calls..

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Does Deleting Your Web History At Google Really Do Anything?


Jacques Mattheij wrote a blog post named Google Web/Search History Disable Does Absolutely Nothing. Basically claiming that when you hit that delete button, Google just hides it from your Google Web History page but does nothing more..

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Global Marketing: 5 Common Mistakes to Avoid by @Lingo24


Going global can be an exciting transition for any company. It can also be fraught with potential pitfalls, with many mistakes arising from marketers failing to take cultural differences into account. Here are some common mistakes you to avoid

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8 Reasons Why You Should Register Now for MarTech: The Marketing Tech Conference


Summer’s unofficially begun. That means August and MarTech: The Marketing Tech Conference are right around the corner.

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