Archive for July, 2014

Mainstream SEOs Now Talking About Google Sandbox 2.0


About a month ago, I saw some early discussions within the more blackhat SEO communities about a Google Sandbox 2.0, where Google began targeting possibly churn and burn sites from ranking well. That conversation is now creeping into the mainstream SEO forums…

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Content Marketing Interview with Jascha Kaykas-Wolff CMO of BitTorrent


The power of storytelling in content marketing is unmistakable. But what is there beyond storytelling? That’s a key question being asked and answered at the upcoming Content Marketing World conference Sept 8-11th in Cleveland.

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Google Analytics Helps You Filter Spider and Bot Traffic


Ever wonder how much of your traffic was actual human visitors and how much of your traffic was really scrapers, bots and other web spiders? Google Analytics will now help you discern just that with a new filter to help identify “real” traffic.

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How Are Search Marketers Using Twitter in 2014? by @jaysondemers


For anyone looking to understand or reach professional search engine marketers (SEMs) online, Leadtail’s latest report, Social Media Insights: How Search Marketers Engage on Twitter provides a wealth of valuable information. Based on data collected from over 500 North American search marketers, the report gives us insight into what and whom SEMs are tweeting about

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Use Contextual Data To Gain A Competitive Search Marketing Advantage


Marketers have been dreaming about the possibilities of contextual data for decades, and as consumers have become more mobile and their behavior more quantifiable, it has only stoked those flames further. What’s The Big Deal About Contextual Data? Contextual data provides an opportunity for…

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Defining Local SEO KPIs & How to Measure Them for Maximum ROI


With these seven local SEO key performance indicators, you can implement a simple three-step process to quickly track local search performance, measure the effectiveness of local SEO efforts, and analyze results to optimize future efforts.

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What’s Tops For “Offers” On Google? Google Offers – Which No Longer Exists


If you search in Google for [offers] Google will return the shuttered Google Offers page as the first search listing. But if you look carefully, you will see that Google has blocked the page from spiders within their robots.txt file and the page itself says “This site is no longer being…

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Free Yourself from the Grindstone: Getting an Edge with Outsourcing by @KevinHenrikson


I fell in love with tech 15 years ago, when I got my first job as a Javascript developer. It was like a puzzle, putting parts together to create something bigger. Piece by piece, it came together into a working application, which was amazing to me. I stuck with tech as a career, and since then I’ve been involved with three startups and two public companies.

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Google Analytics Setting For Bot Filtering


Google announced on Google+ that you can now easily filter out traffic from bots and spiders from showing up and being tracked in your analytics…

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How to Be TAGFEE when You Disagree


Posted by Lisa-Mozstaff On being TAGFEE I’m a big advocate of

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