Google announced a new way for users to search for site-specific content with an updated sitelinks search box and gave tips to developers for Schema markup to implement the feature well.
Google announced a new way for users to search for site-specific content with an updated sitelinks search box and gave tips to developers for Schema markup to implement the feature well.
Broad match modifiers help advertisers control the intent of users seeing ads, but Bing says advertisers may have been missing out because of grammatical errors in queries.
No one in the industry would deny the importance of performing regular site audits. Your site, clients’ sites, your uncle’s side business’ site, they all have to be optimized and error free, or else… But who wants to conduct those audits by hand? Ideally, you want a piece of software to do it for you and email you regularly with a list of issues you should take care of.
One new tidbit that I am glad Google’s Pierre Far confirmed and I am incredibly upset the SEO space assumed incorrectly (at least some) was that adding…
There are many benefits of the new Shopping Campaigns structure that Google ushered in on September 1st, however, the setup process can be cumbersome and iterative, particularly if you have the same type of campaign structure across multiple campaigns. To help advertisers set up their Shopping… Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article
Maintaining an effective strategy for customer service on social media will help to ensure that your brand doesn’t accrue any negative search results.
I don’t need to tell you the importance of content creation, I’d say it’s been pretty well covered in the past few years. However, I do want to talk about a form of content that’s widely underused. The main forms of content I usually see on the web are blog posts, videos, infographics, eBooks, and white papers
Sites often have a wealth of content on their site but are too focused on lead generation to give way to search engine optimization benefit.
Marketers are evolving away from the need to be paid search and display specialists and toward the need to be more broadly educated paid media specialists.
Content Marketing World is here! Over 2,500 attendees from over 50 countries have invaded Cleveland for the biggest, baddest and best content marketing conference on the planet. With nearly 200 speakers, including a keynote from famed actor, director and producer Kevin Spacey, there’s a lot to look forward to. Multiple tracks of sessions to attend, networking events and the exhibit hall can all seem a bit overwhelming.