Archive for December, 2014

Is Google Maps Cleaning Up Abbreviated Street Addresses?


Yesterday an interesting thread popped up in the Local Search Forum asking if Google has decided to automatically expand the abbreviated addresses listed in Google Maps. I checked several queries and all of them showed me unabbreviated street addresses. For example, road spelled out vs Rd…

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SEOlympics: Top Marketing Blogs of South Africa by @albertcostill


What makes South Africa so interesting is that some 52 million people call it home.

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Did Comments Cause This Site To Get Hit By Google Panda 4.1?


Shortly after Google released the Google Panda 4.1 update, I asked if this site was hit by the almighty Panda algorithm. It clearly looked like it was and I believe it was hit by Panda. Nothing has changed since

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#3 Most Read Article of 2014: Index Your Content Faster With the Fetch as Google Tool


Have new content that you’d like to be discovered and found in Google’s search results more quickly? Within Google Webmaster Tools is the Fetch as Google tool, which gives users the opportunity to submit new URLs to Google’s index.

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New Years Eve 2014: Google’s 2014 Trending Topics & Bing Fireworks


Happy New Years eve everyone! Well, if you are in the Australian region, happy New Years to you…

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This Month in #ContentMarketing: December by @dantosz


The basics of good content hasn’t changed in the last ten years, but 2014 did bring a renewed focus on developing great content. As we look into 2015, many businesses are planning to focus on content marketing in the coming year. Perhaps Stephanie Miller said it best: Content is King

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Fetch As Google Bug Shows Errors For One


A Google Webmaster Help thread has one webmaster who says the fetch and render feature within Google Webmaster Tool’s Fetch as Google, shows an “Error” message without any reason. After much back and forth in the forums..

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Google Glass Developers Hanging Up The Glass


A Hacker News thread sums up what many Google Glass developers are feeling… What do they do with their Google Glass now

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The Best of the Best: Celebrating the Top 10 of the Moz Top 10 for 2014


Posted by Isla_McKetta Oh no, another year-end roundup! But before you click away, let me sell you a little on why this is the roundup you actually want to read.

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