Archive for January, 2015

Going Beyond Google: A Comprehensive List of Search Engines by @alexanderkesler


When people think of search engines, the first name that comes to mind is often Google. It’s one of the most enduring brand names, and it has even worked its way into mainstream vernacular, and today many people substitute the phrase “searched online” for “Googled”

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12 Trends Search Marketers Can’t Ignore in Content Marketing


Content marketing is an increasingly important part of a search marketer’s job. Here are 12 trends those in the SEO business can’t afford to ignore

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A 2015 Process to Removing a Google Link Penalty by @JordanKasteler


If at one point you’ve bought links, hired an SEO agency, or received a sudden decrease in website traffic, then this blog post is for you. Even if you don’t have a penalty at this time, you’ll want to review the inbound links coming into your site. It’s always better to be proactive because by the time you realize you have a penalty it’s too late. This is the 2015 process for removing a penalty and analyzing potentially hazardous links.

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Learn From Dana Lookadoo, Support Her Medical Fund


Posted by jennita One aspect of the Moz Community that doesn’t get mentioned enough is the individual community members who were here in the early days of SEOmoz. The folks who stuck around when our tools were brand new, when Rand was “just another SEO guy,” and when our community was really just a bunch of folks talking about SEO.

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How Locally Laid Got Paid by Turning Customer Feedback into Brand Storytelling


Here in Minnesota, a small egg company is getting big press after ruffling the feathers of a concerned shopper.

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Google Mobile Snippets Now Also Showing Robots.txt Blocking Message


Over two years ago, Google started showing a message in the snippet for those who blocked GoogleBot from crawling their site, to explain to the searcher why the description is not showing up. Now…

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Test Out The New Search Queries Report In Google Webmaster Tools


Google is releasing a new Search Queries Report tool in Google Webmaster Tools and they are offering an Alpha preview of the tool to a select number of beta/alpha testers. If you want to test out the new Search Queries report…

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Google: That Update Was Not Penguin Or Panda Related


Yesterday I reported on webmaster chatter around a lot of shuffles in the Google search results and named it Google Search Algorithm Juno Blizzard. It isn’t a massive update..

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How to do Keyword Research in 90 Minutes


Posted by Jeremy_Gottlieb Everyone’s been in the position where there’s a million and one things going on, but a client (or you) still requires top-notch keyword research. So something needs to get done in a pinch

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