Archive for May, 2015

10 Things You Are Not Doing in Google Analytics by @bonirulzz


Learn 10 Google Analytics Features/ Reports that you may not be using to generate insights for your website or online store. The post 10 Things You Are Not Doing in Google Analytics by @bonirulzz appeared first on Search Engine Journal .

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Why Digital Marketing Podcasts Belong in Your Learning Routine


Marketers are always looking for new and efficient ways to learn. As a marketer, I’ve recently begun working podcasts into my ongoing learning routine. I’ll admit, I resisted for awhile (which was dumb)

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How to Use Server Log Analysis for Technical SEO


Posted by SamuelScott It’s ten o’clock. Do you know where your logs are? I’m introducing this guide with a pun on a common public-service announcement that has run on late-night TV news broadcasts in the United States because log analysis is something that is extremely newsworthy and important

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The Evolving Role of the Marketing Technologist: Best Practices for Blending Marketing Art and Science- June 9 Webcast


The pressure is on today’s digital marketers, as responsibility for investing in the right software to more effectively manage customer data shifts to the marketing organization. It’s not enough anymore to be creative; you need to combine the art of marketing with the science of… Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article.

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Search: The Best Way To Win An SMB’s Heart


Columnist Wesley Young notes that, according to recent survey by the Local Search Association, search engine optimization (SEO) is one of the greatest areas of concern for small and medium-sized businesses.

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B2B Marketing Roundup: Resources, Trends and Case Studies to Prep for #BMA15


For nearly 900 B2B marketers, this week will bring a cornucopia of ideas, insights and networking opportunities to the BMA National conference in Chicago. There’s a lot going on in the B2B marketing space from the increase in humanization of business marketing content to the application of big data, the impact of video, mobile and ecommerce

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Why You Need a Social Media Calendar and How to Create One by @neilpatel


You’ve heard of social media calendars before, but do you know what they are and how to use one? The post Why You Need a Social Media Calendar and How to Create One by @neilpatel appeared first on Search Engine Journal .

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A Marketer’s Plea: Don’t Be Afraid to Ask for Links


While many marketers view asking for links as a manipulative invitation for trouble, links are a fundamental part of digital marketing and they don’t come for free.

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Annotation: The Most Important Thing Missing from Your Google Analytics by @seocompanymiami


Google Analytics Annotations is a feature that is quickly growing in popularity among companies, but many are still using it incorrectly. Learn more here: The post Annotation: The Most Important Thing Missing from Your Google Analytics by @seocompanymiami appeared first on Search Engine Journal .

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Has Google Turned up Social Signals as a Ranking Factor?


Google stated that a search change from earlier this month was not related to Panda. Could that mean social signals from Facebook and Twitter are ranking factors?

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