iOS apps now are being supported by Google within the App Indexing protocol. Starting in a few weeks, iOS users may see content from apps in their mobile search results
iOS apps now are being supported by Google within the App Indexing protocol. Starting in a few weeks, iOS users may see content from apps in their mobile search results
Del Patrick, a self proclaimed “Science loving tea junkie. Sceptical of wild claims,” posted on Twitter the latest unusual Google Answer box
Bing Image Search experiments with guessing at the age of the people in their image search results. Give it a try at or on Bing Image Search. The post Bing Integrates How Old Robot Feature Into Image Search appeared first on Search Engine Land
As Google and Bing change their algorithms to favor mobile-friendly sites, it’s crucial for small and medium businesses to become more diligent about mobile-optimizing their sites.
What’s cool about Google’s mobile-friendly update is it’s real time. So as soon as you update your site, you should gain or regain your SERP rankings.
Posted by NoamC Today, we’re excited to announce some new features and changes to the Moz Local dashboard.
More than just a place to publish your past press releases, a press center makes your very best content easily available for anyone who might write about and link to your site.
In this interview series, Matthew Barby shares how he and his partner worked to get their food blog, Pescetarian Kitchen, off the ground The post Origin Stories of Powerful Blogs: How Pescetarian Kitchen Drives 50K Blog Visits Per Month by @tomdemers appeared first on Search Engine Journal .
With ubiquitous internet connectivity and billions of people empowered to create and publish online, digital marketing competition is greater than ever. Companies are increasingly challenged to create quality content that can stand out to attract and engage new customers. How can businesses grow their reach and improve content quality in such a market
Today would be the 64th birthday of Sally Ride, the first American female Astronaut who was in space.