Archive for September, 2016

Bootstrap or Bust: 10 Tips for Building a Business Out of Your Own Pocket


Building a business doesn’t have to be as scary, or expensive, as it sounds. These tips will have your business up and running in no time. The post Bootstrap or Bust: 10 Tips for Building a Business Out of Your Own Pocket appeared first on Search Engine Journal

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Google Maps: Circle Pin Instead Of Marker Pin


I am not sure if this is new or happens on some queries but Besian Sopa posted on Twitter a screen shot of a Google Maps Local knowledge panel showing a circle in the map versus showing the typical marker pin icon…

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6 Ways to Improve Email Response Rates: An Analysis of 26,000 Pitches by @AndreaMLehr


Here are a few ways you can improve two of the most important parts of any email: The subject line and the introduction.

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A Fresh Start: Learn How to Put Your Social Media Strategy on A Paleo Diet


From the rise of Snapchat to the debut of Instagram stories to changes in Facebook’s News Feed algorithm , the social media landscape is constantly changing—giving us marketers more than enough “new” to snack on each week. But sometimes we bite off a little more than we can chew, thinking that a healthy social media strategy needs to incorporate a little bit of everything in order to drive growth and engagement—and ultimately ROI. However, according to Social Media Examiner’s 2016 Social Media Marketing Industry Report , 92% of marketers said they’re unable to say which social media tactics are the most effective

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6 Brands Using Altered Reality in their Marketing Campaigns by @brentcsutoras


Altered Reality have started to dominate the discussion when we talk about how the internet will be used and presented to us in the near to distant future. The post 6 Brands Using Altered Reality in their Marketing Campaigns by @brentcsutoras appeared first on Search Engine Journal

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Generate 100+ Blog Topic Ideas in Seconds


Posted by BrianChilds Coming up with blog titles and topics can be a struggle. Most small businesses aim to publish blogs 3-10 times a month and then use these blog articles to populate everything from newsletters to conversion funnels. When you publish content on a regular basis it’s easy to burn through your initial list of blog titles in a few months.

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Google Is Grouping Keyword Volumes – What Does This Mean for SEO?


Posted by sam.nemzer As of June this year , Google is now grouping keyword volumes for similar keywords in Keyword Planner.

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How to Increase Conversions with Help from Your Fans by @JordanKasteler


In this post, we’re going to look at how you can increase conversions with help from your fans, maximizing your reach, engagement, and profit. The post How to Increase Conversions with Help from Your Fans by @JordanKasteler appeared first on Search Engine Journal

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Google Baby Bib


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Will Facebook be the Next Review Platform?


If you have something to say about the business, you have your chance.

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